Expectations of Trump's Second Coming
This piece is not comprehensive.
I am busy with 5 unrelated books.
I do not mean to say that President Donald Trump does not have good intentions. His intentions for America (I do not know about rest of the world) is genuine but his distractors are hell bent to prevent any meaningful realization of his efforts.
The distractors feel that if Donald Trump is successful for America they cannot come back to power to haunt us again.
Reason is simple.
Gives him credibility.
He was the Worst Democrat of American History.
Military Industrial Conglomerate had a "Free For All" under his regime.
Equally America is in Debt due to reckless spending on Ukraine.
Already million deaths on Ukraine side.
Their first goal is to project that loss to Russia.
Probable loss on Russian side is in tens of thousands, if we assume 1 to 10 ratio.
Huge loss for both sides.
I have no hope for President Trump to make headway, recover America or even gain momentum.
The outgoing administration has put enough Road Blocks.
Basically financial constraints.
By the time, he clears the mess, his term would be over.
Let me start with Ukraine War.
1. Like what Angela Merkel did America needs time to Regroup for a Conspiracy Scheme.
They are very good at hatching a plot.
Time is the limiting factor.
2. Zelensky has siphoned majority of the money to his off shore roots.
He may be having his own plan to skim some more from President Trump.
I do not think President Trump is willing to spend on wars.
Zelensky is a crafty crook but Donald Trump is not.
Simple arrogance gets one nowhere, especially American Arrogance.
It is suicidal, to say the least.
3. American plan for Ukraine is in the hands of Elon Musk.
Trump wants to wash his hands off, for political reasons.
While on surface Trump may be showing no escalation but all the signs are that Elon Musk is saving money for a different military strategy.
Probably not in space.
If he tries that President Putin would have his own plan to smother all his satellites in space.
Elon Musk burned his hands by helping Zelensky with information on Russian Troop movements in bulk during early stages of the war.
Due to Elon Musk's actions the cost for Russians was huge.
I was closely following this war of attrition.
I now believe War of Attrition won't work.
Russia has already realized it.
4. I do not want to postulate Elon Musk's plan right now but their intention is to recover the enormous amount of money spent on the election campaign.
Both of them a astute businessmen.
Their political brains are stymied because of their Greed for Money.
Money first War second attitude.
Both are not War Strategists.
5. My only advice to Russia is DO NOT believe in American Propagenda.
Go ahead and finish the job.
Ukraine soldiers are all but over and the NATO boots on the grounds of Ukraine is the reality.
Only difference is they wear Ukraine Uniforms.
Most of them are Stupid Polish.
Poland cannot sustain this. If they are finished (Polish guys), UK and France cannot sustain any long term pressure. They, UK especially, only have big mouths.
Germany with enormous economic pressure would crumble mainly on political grounds.
Americans busted the Russian gas pipe and they are already paying 3 times as much for American gas.
Russian plan is both political and military.
They are on full gear.
Russia should not take the foot off the paddle. My advice is to press it hard and accelerate.
Escalation is the name of the (War) Game.
That would work wonders.
President Trump is still trying to get his Team Up.
Unlike in Russia the bureaucratic system in America is inherently slow when the regime changes.
Russia should take advantage of the Americas slowness to start with the new system.
6. The motto should be never to trust any American diplomat, military personnel or any white collar guy or girl from America.
Russia should bluff the West.
They work for money not for strategy.
That is their blind spot.
They do not have Diplomatic Wing to operate. That was ruined for over 30 years.
Shifty Shaft of Democrats is a good example.
Steel (British guy) dossier or Trump impeachment was a classic example.
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