Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Fruits, Vegetables and Antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit oxidation, which produce harmful free radical formation.
Oxidation leads to degradation organic compounds.
Oxidation causes damage to cells.
Oxidation of cause kills harmful pathogens but this process has to done in graded manner without causing harm to the normal cells.

Antioxidants helps the body to protect its own functional cells.


Vitamin ACE

Selenium is essential for thyroid activity.
Seafood is rich in selenium.





Lipoid acid

Coenzyme Q10


1. Salmon and Tuna

2. Curcurmin

Antiinflammatory agent.

Phenolic compound that gives tumeric its red yellow colour.

3. Capsaicin
Has both analgesic and antiinflammatory properties.
It relieves joint pain and tenderness in osteoarthritis.

4. Garlic

5. Tomatoes

6. Mushroom

7. Carrots

1. TEA

Green Tea
Protective against some cancers and heart disease.

Relieve anxiety

Improve cognition and memory.

These properties are seen with brown tea.

Tea has phenol and polyphenols which are anti-inflammatory agents.

Tea is the best antioxidant drink.

It has carotene which is coveted to Vitamin A

Thiamine or Vitamin B1
I call it the energy vitamin (vitality)

Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6
I call it the brain vitamin.

Pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5
I call it the neurotransmitter vitamin.
Also help in biosynthesis of steroids.
It helps in red cell synthesis.

Iron, Vitamin B12 and Folic acid (B9) helps in red cell synthesis.

ACE indirectly (in addition to prevention of oxidation) helps in synthesis of red cells. For example Vitamin C helps in absorption of Iron.

Tea also

Boosts immunity.


Ward off cancer

Heart Friendly

2. Ladies Fingers Okra

Vitamins C, K and Folate (B9)



Minerals, magnesium and iron

3. Bottle Gourd

Can make a birdhouse
Can used as a water container.
Even musical instrument in india.

Zinc and minerals

4. Snake or Viper Gourd





5. Bitter Gourd

Polyphenols are antiinflammatory.

Saponins and terpenoid help to control blood sugar.

May be anticancer.

Bitter gourd is not recommended for pregnant women, fear of bleeding.

6. Spinach

Rich in Vitamin A. C, K1 and B9 (Folate)

It has B6

Rich in Potassium,Calcium, iron and magnesium.
May contain aluminium.
Rich in oxalates.

7. Cabbage
Rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, B (Folate)
It is rich in mineral potassium, calcium and magnesium

8. Pumpkins

Pumpkin though low in carbohydrates has similar nutrients that are rich banana.

B Vitamins
Calcium, potassium and magnesium.


Tofu is rich in iron, zinc, manganese and magnesium.
Copper and calcium
Vitamin A

Contain isoflavones which are phytoestrogens.

It is rich in protein which varies with its consistency.

10. Avocado

Rich in ACE and B Vitamins

Vitamin K and Folic acid (B9)

Rich in magnesium and potassium.

And selenium which helps thyroid hormones.

High in oxalates.

11. Soursop

Anticancer agent

Has acetogenins which inhibit NAD in cancer cell surfaces.

12. Bananas

Bananas have twice as many as carbohydrate as in apples.

It releases its nutrients slowly.

Five times as many as Vitamin A and Iron

Three times much as phosphorus

It has zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium and selenium.

Other fruits rich in selenium are avocados and grapefruit.

Fish is rich in selenium.

This is the energy food for a Ceylon Cricketer adequately supplements with fluids or milk.

13. Pawpaw

High in ACE

It is rich in minerals, magnesium, manganese and iron.

Antioxidants prevent oxidation of cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol is bad for health.
Macrophages have receptors for oxidized Cholesterol that induce inflammatory reaction.

Anticancer properties.
Control both blood sugar and blood pressure.

14. Berries
Except for Vitamin C and some minerals berries are not rich in nutrients.
Zinc + helps in would healing.
High in oxalates.

15. Guava

Rich in vitamins C, B and K.
Rich in polyphenols.
It is a safe fruit to eat in pregnancy.
Zinc + helps in would healing.

16. Mangoes

Mangoes are rich in A,C and Folic acid.
It can be eaten as fruit or as a curry if not ripe.

It has fiber and helps in digestion of food.

It is a fruit that can be recommended to pregnant mother and child both.

17. Collard Greens
Cabbage and broccoli (rich in selenium)


18. Kale
Vitamins C and K
Magnesium and calcium.

19. Tamarind

Vitamin C

It is supposed to control cholesterol.

20. Kiwifruit

Only rich in Vitamin C

21. Mushroom

Vitamin B and D.

Selenium and Copper.

Has anticancer property.

22. Coriander

Its gives a nice flavour and smell to curries.

Its a spice that has antiinflammatory and immune regulatory mechanism (autoimmune reactions)

Vitamin ACE and K.

It has B vitamins including folic acid (B9).

It is a mild diuretic that may help in blood pressure control.
It is antibacterial.
It is good antioxidant.
It is antiinflammatory.
It prevents autoimmune reactions and skin reactions.
Good source of Vitamin K.

It has many minerals including calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and magnesium.

Iron and zinc are vital agents in wound healing and repair.

May help adult onset diabetes

23. Turkey Berry or Thibbotu


It is antibacterial and antifungal.

It is antiinflammatory.

It useful in asthmatics and has immune protective.

Boosts immunity.

24. Tumeric

Curcumin is the phenolic compound that gives its yellow colour.

It has broad antiinflammatory actions.

Good for arthritis, allergies, respiratory diseases and digestive symptoms.

Probably only coriander rivals its medicinal properties.

25. Chillies

Capsaicin  is the active agent.

Vitamin A and C.

It has analgesic and antiinflammatory properties.

It relieves joint pains and arthritic pains.

Inhibit acute inflammatory cells around joint cavities.

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