Tuesday, July 4, 2023

War, Artificial Intelligence and the End Game

This piece is to highlight that the "War of Attrition" has no currency when AI is at work.

Nobody seems to have understood this precarious situation.

I do not think even China has given credence to this evolving situation.

China is obsessed with AI.

Russia in my belief does not believe in efficiency of the AI operations.

It may be useful in a battle situation where surprise is intended.

They still believe in human intelligence supervising the AI drones.

I do not want to use the term spies.
They have boots on the ground.

If AI is given the full control what evolves has no logic or algorithm.

Americans do not have reliable boots on the ground and depend heavily on AI gathered intelligence.

At best AI stops at 95% efficiency.

The outlier of 5% is the one which leads to catastrophy in a AI battle of supremacy.

The End Game has no logical END point but depends on the redundant data set of uncertainty.

It is presumed an Infinity!

As for knee jerk reaction, I think we have to worry and suspect Americans who would jump the gun prematurely, on a preemptive strike.


By the way, this American Manufactured War.
Russia never wanted a war in Ukraine but negotiations.

It was the War Monger, Borris De Je who coaxed Zelensky.

It is easy to start a War.

It is very difficult to stop a particular War.

In human terms at this point of time, diplomacy, may or may not work.

The stakes are very high.

Then man made devices are used preemptively.

We have examples in history.

Atomic Bomb in Japan did end the World War II.

Unfortunately, we never managed to come to term with Strategic Arms Control for a sustainable period of time in our history.

The Treaty for  Nuclear Arms Control ends in 2025.

There is no attempt to reactivate this Treaty.

It is all due to pending Presidential Election in USA, that falls on a particular date.

The election cannot be advanced.

Status quo remains fragile.

Democratic mechanisms may fail in this type of scenario.
One man rule like in China may fail.
Dialogue may fail.

We have a vulnerable president in power, at a time where diplomacy is at zero strength.

The end game or end point is in "a state of flux".

When we have unstable leaders who do not have mature advisers to lead the team, the tendency to rely on AI is realistic.

Paradoxically guys who may be eyeing for a  regime change in USA may become proactive.

This is Regime Change in reverse gear.

The man who envisaged Regime Change in Russia will be a victim of his own devises.

Putting the finger on the AI button, is a realistic probability.

It is literally called the "Panic Button".

This is an example of Uncertainty Principle, hard at work.

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