Monday, July 3, 2023

Survival without Wisdom

The points mentioned below, I bet  you will never see in a book of wisdom.

1. It is safer to share a drink with a stranger you never see again.
He cannot poison you or become a pest.

2. Never let your guard slips.
Be like Putin,
He is 5 steps ahead of all the other guys including Biden and Macron.
He is a born survivor.

3. Be like a fish on a stream, never sleeps.
The fish becomes a prey the moment it drops the guard.

4. Pretend to be the dumbest guy in a symposium of free discussion.
Ask the dumbest question.
The rest are there to steal your intellectual property.
When you pretend dumb there are no followers.

5. Real bright guys have no friends or enemies.
The are blessed with filters and their screens are never smoked.

That itself is a solace.

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