Friday, May 1, 2020

Abolishing the Post of Presidency in Ceylon

Abolishing the Post of Presidency in Ceylon
Time has come to review the need of a post of Presidency.
The framers of the current (even the past constitution left gaping holes) constitution have failed to see an epidemic of current level will make the holder of this post becoming a dictator rather than a facilitator.
In actual fact, a military dictatorship as opposed to police state.
Luckily the police has kept the army at bay (they are under civil service control in the past, under British) due to current necessities.
Healthy rivalry of the police and army is essential for a working democracy whereas the Army follows orders from higher up who can become somebody like Idi Amin or guys in Myanmar with ethnic cleansing.
This post was impotent in some sense and MS (previous holder)  showed the dissociation with consensual agreement albeit mildly.
Current one wants the parliament to be impotent till his cohort's (not in any way with consensus with the opposition parties) agenda is converted to practice.
The election Commission is dilly dallying with the constitution but the life of an average daily earner is in the balance (by holding the election on top of a economic crisis).
Money saved by delaying the election can be utilized for essential workers with protective gear (including civil servants conducting the election) that is in short supply already.
I think, a mature lawyer or a sensible citizen should go to courts and display that there is potential for disaster waiting to unfold and  an election catastrophe.
Current parliament has the validity well beyond, if consensus is reached by summoning the parliament.

The dictators have the affliction of listening to nobody or the opposing logic.

One stupid guy comparing the pandemic to Dengue (medical term is epidemic with rainfall)  is illogical and he has gone nuts by power hunger.
The coronavirus will become an endemic for few years if the lockdown is broken an election is held.

Example is what happened to navy guys who have a particular sexual orientation. 
It is endemic in camps.
Police personnel are  saved simply because police service is essentially decentralized.
But even they are not immune.
Even Prime Ministers (UK) and Speakers (Pakistan) are affected.
Any large gathering at Prime Ministers residence is a major risk.
I think the Prime Minister wants opposition members to get sick.
Why can't they hold a video conference.
If they do not have these facilities let the money saved (delaying election) be used to acquire them in double quick time.
I congratulate JVP for boycotting the invitation.
They should be very critical of the militarization.
They have suffered thrice under military suppression, and knows how bad it is. 
My gut feeling is by holding the election virus will get a foothold and our health service will be permanently paralyzed and we won't be able to run our basic immunization program for our mothers and children.

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