Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Semiconductor Technology, From Transistor to MOSFE Transistor

I am one who believe in that Modern Technological Innovation has something to do with Reverse Engineering of Alien Artifacts.
Some tekenace to Bob Lazar and John Lear revelations.
The story goes like this.
These artifacts were either divided by design or collected in pieces.
Pieces were coded and given to Black-Rock like American Commercial entities. The original fear was if one company has everything Monopoly would be the result.
So it took many years for Transistor, Fiberoptics and Laser techniques to be deciphered from mangled debris.

It is only by 1980 that we were able to design primitive computers using transistors and Sun Microsystems is one of them. 
However Intel had a monopoly at the beginning.
CPU was the master in these designs.
It is the processor. RAM and Video RAM were intermediary to process power of the CPU. CPU has a fixed design and each processor has a singular function. Therefore Multiprocessor design was necessary. These chips were thick in design. Silicone was the base because it was a good insulator of passing electric currents or elections and also absorb the heat generated.
They were easy to handle and mathematics were full numbers and not things like pie or roots with decimals.  Transistors could handle the gates and voltage control.
Now there is a limit for these computers.

We need flexible, scalable and energy efficient and low voltage and small designs.

This where the rare earth come into play.

Metal Oxide Semiconductor (chip for short) Field Effect Transistors are not fixed liked in a CPU.

They are programable and can be connected wirelessly.
The flexibility and energy efficiency of MOSFET is going to change our future.
They can be fabricated to possible nanometer level. We are still at 7 to 9 nanometer level.
New FAB machines can reproduce these Chips at tremendous speed. Miniaturization and stacking of chips is done by rare metals.
Whoever who master these techniques will rule the future world.
I think China is well ahead and may already have deviced means at least at early stage.
That is why President Trump want war with China to slow down the Chip War of Future.
The diabolical state in Ceylon is we are surrounded by golden sand and we cannot make a single chip.
We had been fighting with (India incitement) with our fellow humans and there is no end to this SAGA. 
Arjuna, Wira Wansa, Champika and Nirmal are only the political bobobos (monkeys) in this manifesting SAGA.
I have excluded Sepala, Sugath and Chapa are fanatics of some sort but without vision or direction.
Less I talk about NPP/DJVP/JVP better for my Soul.

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