Saturday, August 19, 2023

Alcohol, the Good, Bad and the Ugly

DWI   Driving While Intoxicated

DUI    Driving Under Influence

PCA.  Prescribed Concentration of Alcohol
           (Above the legally allowed)

The PCA level vary from country to country, the lowest probably in France.

100 mg is legally drunk.

China has the lowest tolerance of 20 mg and above 80 mg, 3 year prison sentence.

Cayman Island allows the highest level.

Australia  50mg

EU.             50mg

Breathelizer Test can be accurate up to 50%
It is never above BAC or Blood Alcohol Concentration.

If one do a survey on one's favourite actors and how they end up their life as homeless destitutes, the commoner denominator is alcohol.

Alcohol does not discriminate but is a leveller of one's dignity or otherwise.

Alcohol is the commonest cause of Dementia Worldwide.Earliest manifestation of dementia is loss of memory and inability sustain memory for creative and productive work.

By the way alcohol does not cause visible structural changes in the brain.

Its structural  effects like cirrhosis are seen in the liver.

The name Perera or Pere Ra originated from Distilling of Toddy.

Our Finance Minister under Siri-MAO was double PhD N.M. Pere Ra.

He established the first Coconut Distillery in Ceylon.

V.S.O.A (Very Special Old Arrack) was one of its products.

We did not have adequate food during their time and infants with ZERO blood sugar used to die like flies under their regime. But alcohol supply was plenty and cheap. We used to take ample amount of V.S.O.A on alternate days when we were not On Call. I have never taken alcohol on duty all my working life.

This is similar to Negamboo coming from Nikam Book or barking for no reason.

My contribution is nicampoop or Nikam Pop of political leaders in Ceylon.

One good example is Ra Nil of Blue Toddy.

This name was changed later to NGOs or Nikam Go to developing countries, thanks to CIA - AID combo.

SLPP is Sri-Lanka Pathalya Party (local mafiosi).

Alcohol industry is the oldest (10,000 to now) and the most powerful industry of mankind.

Little bit of alcohol is OK is the myth spearheaded and spread by this powerful industry.

Within the first bypass in the liver it causes (aldehyde is the poison) fatty change which lasts at least 8 hours.

Acetone is the metabolite.

Read the book General Pathology by Walter and Israel (1975) and this book is out of print.

This book came out two years after I was graduated.

But the best account of alcohol was given in Clinical Pharmacology by Lawrence at all.

This book came out in 1961 and is out of print.

General Pathology published in ,1968 by a lady who was famous for proposing symbiosis in early evolution has a good account on effects of alcohol. This is out of print and her name is probably Maguire.

It is said that wife battering without alcohol is like a circus without lions.

More pertinent saying is you take alcohol first and then the alcohol takes you over.

Worse case scenario is that one is not satisfied with the temporary euphoria and one tries more potent stuff called Drugs.

Alcohol inevitably effects the metabolism of other drugs and medicines, one takes.

Medical Term for this is Drug Interactions.

There are roughly six level of alcohol actions.

One does not have the insight into its progression from the first sip of alcohol ingested and that is the tragedy of alcohol .

Level six is death.

Level five is total loss of self control.
Motor vehicle and industrial accidents are the end points.

Level four is temporary euphoria which is transient and the need for frequent Top Ups.

In other words one is addicted

Level three is loss of control of one's spoken language

Inhibitions are suppressed and this should not be interpreted as stimulation.

The gift of the gab manifestation.

Level two is sense of transient happiness which should not be interpreted as Euphoria.

Euphoria is a type of self delusion which meditators get addicted.
The best example is the state one feels with Ayahuaska inhalations
. One feels Godly or Spiritually aroused.

Level one is that the Alcohol has No Effects.

What it means a certain amount of alcohol has to be ingested for one to show effects of alcohol above level one.

So one has to know only 4 levels.

I want a mathematical guy to take the Gompertz Curve and draw a graph to show effects of alcohol, in the middle portion of the curve.

Flat bottom, ascending middle and flat top.

Three functional derivatives of the equation are;
1. Age
2. Sex
3. Race

I want him to do a meta-analysis of all the countries using  this curve and develop an arbitrary  point scheme and line them up from 1 to 100 (there are over 200 countries).

Each point level may have 1 to 3 countries.

I am going to put Ceylon on the top 10, knowing very well we had the highest consumption and sale of alcohol during our war of attrition.

At this moment I think the order the country stands is as follows.

1. Ukraine first
2. USA second
3. Russia third
4. UK fourth
5. Germany fifth.
6. France has fallen from second to sixth place due to progressive decline in economy.

Details are in my book "Joy of Alcohol" and the name was especially selected to increase my Royalties at Amazon.

Chemistry of Alcohol (Ethanol)

Carbohydrates gives 4 Calories per gram and fat gives 9 Calories per gram and today I figured out absolute alcohol gives 7 Calories per gram.

In other words alcohol has 300 to 50 Calories per 100 ml, wine having the lowest.
If one is consuming 300 ml of 50% alcohol that means one is consuming 350 Calories which a large amount.

The highest concentration of alcohol is 40% and 100 ml at this strength would yield 280 Calories.

Since alcohol directly effects metabolism in the liver one with liver dysfunction (hepatitis) ingesting alcohol would cause death.
This is why one is prohibited from drinking alcohol for at least 6 months following hepatitis.

Alcohol itself can cause alcoholic hepatitis.

This is where one has to consider genocide by the British of Aboriginal Natives in Australia. Hepatitis was common and alcohol did help to bring down the population of Aborigines.

Ethanol is a simple molecule with a chemistry of one OH radical.


It is oxidized to aldehyde (ADH) and later to ketones.

The musky smell or odour in the breath is due to ketones.

Basically it is a universal metabolic poison.
I have not discussed its effect on water soluble vitamins.
Thiamine has metabolic effects on brain cells.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Could be considered as the father of philosophy.

He is the one who questioned everything and everyone in his time including god.

Agora is  where they / he discussed politics, arts and philosophy.

He never left a record of his saying.

Thanks to his student Plato his thinking revibrates to modern time.

He believed in afterlife. He postulated if there is afterlife, there is probability of life before and reincarnation.

There was no writing left behind from his time.
His student Plato probably recorded verbatim the discussion he had with his teacher.
In later life Plato was critical of his teacher and contributed his line of thinking to philosophy.

He had followers and haters.

There were three accusers.

Charges of impiety.
1. Going against the God.
2. Homosexuality.

Sentence   Death Penalty.

Chosen by 501 citizens by drawing lots.

1. 260              Yes
2. 220               No
3.    21              Abstained

He was given poison to drink.

When asked about helping him to escape from prison cell he said;
Breaking one law is breaking all the laws.

Plato had known to say;
"We lost the best upright man in history".


He came from an aristocratic family and lived up to 80 years.
Creator of the Academy in Athens.
Learned mathematics from Pythogarus.

Many individuals influenced his thinking.
Socrates was his teacher.

Dialogue was his way of discussing a topic. His interests branched to philosophy, metaphysics, ethics, logics and religion.

His theory of form (physical word) and non form, most likely the behaviour of mind and abstract thinking lead to the foundation of Western philosophy, which the modern scholars still discuss to present day.

He left behind volumes of writing and most of them were probably came down from the interpretation of Socrates thinking.
His earlier writings are supposed to be coming form his teacher Socrates but in his later life probably after the death of his teacher, he was critical of his teacher and made his own line of thinking.

He is known as the student becoming the teacher.

Founding of the Academy and preservation of thinking that predated him was his monumental contribution to philosophy to begin with but later branched in to other disciplines in education.

His efforts of educating, the human mind by dialogue continues.


He was the father of empiricism.
His curiosity led to vast strides in history of philosophy.
Quest for knowledge and open inquiry were his bona fide.
His interest were science, philosophy and human understanding.
Plato was his teacher.
His seat of knowledge was Venice in Greece.
He travelled a lot and debated his opinions with contemporary intellectuals.
He questioned the authenticity of existing beliefs.
His independent thinking sometimes diverted him from his teacher's idealism.
He delved into metaphysics, logics, ethics and politics.
Founded the lyceum in Athens.
Lyceum expanded into teaching, arts, science, physics and philosophy.
He encouraged research and development.
He was the mentor to the young prince Alexander the Great and ended as his wiser council.
His allurance  to knowledge, virtue and philosophy laid the foundation for modern education.

Wallace, Huxley, Hooker and Darwin

Darwin is not the only one who postulated that theory of evolution.

There were three other figures who influenced Darwin.

Darwin doubted himself of his theory of evolution and the natural selection.

Some were called frenemy.

If not for his friendly companions which were only a few Darwin would have not published his monumental work.
He had many critics and enemies and the Church spearheaded the attacks.

The success of science is collaboration, and the lack of it is the Church's contribution.

Alfred Russel Wallace, 14 years younger had postulated a similar geological postulation of species distribution while working in Indonesia. He studied Geology. anthropology, ecology and astrobiology.
He was a surveyor by profession which helped his naturalistic tendency. He briefly taught surveying and map making in Leister.
His friend and traveling companion went to Amazon jungle to study natural selection that was congruent with geological barriers . He met tragedy after tragedy of his brother dying and the shipwreck and losing of his collection insects.
However he came back to England and made a series of publications.
He subsequently went to East Asia (Indonesia) for further studies.

The Wallace Line separating the Australasia from Asia was his creation.
Joseph Dalton Hooker was a botanist and a explorer. He was a good friend of Darwin. He was the director of the Royal Botanical Garden of Kew, following his father who was the director.
Thomas Henry Huxley was a biologist, anthropologist and a comparative anatomist. He was called Darwin's bulldog due to his close adherence to Darwin's theory of evolution. 
In 1996 a dinobird called sinosauropteryx was discovered in South America. Primitive feathers similar to birds were found with the specimen.
The theory of origin of birds from dinosaur was in existence from the 19th century.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Nicolle Machiavelli, the Diplomat

Machiavelli had two paths for success for a prince.

Mind you these are all against Dhamma Principles.

Path one is ruthlessness.
King has to a liar.
He has to be miserly.
He has to be very lavish.
He should be harsh to the people.
He should have an army.
He should purge powerful military men.
In other words he should murder the general when Italy was fully conquered.
Italy was divided into three, Florence, Naples and Roma and headed by vested interests.

He should not trust flatters.
He should be surrounded by wise men.

Other path is diplomacy.
For diplomacy to work there should be laws that control the commoner or his subjects.
Subjects should fear him.
Subjects should honour him.
Only after satisfying the above he should show kindness to some of his favoured subjects.
Always guard against the flatters.

The Fear was the base for power.
Fear of death, disease, disability and old age are natural to humans.
The slogan is these natural tendencies should be harnessed to remain in power.

Rulers are
King first.
Army second.
Law and order the last.

Democracy never.

War is common in human history.

Diplomacy is rare.

Nicolle Machiavelli, I believe was a classic example of how diplomacy was created in the medieval history having subdued all opponents by any mean including fear of death and punishment.

These are all real and perceived threats.

Whereas as the threats created by Church are not teal but manmade concoctions.

There were 3 elements in history.

Councillors were non existent.

All my life I did not know who was Machiavelli.

An old lady whom I used to see on medical grounds, when I visited her, gave me a book in Sinhala, called Prince.

She was a political character and there were no political overtones in my simple consultations.

The paradox was that she claimed that she followed Buddha Dhamma.

I refused, since its content were political but on second thought accepted it.
Once, I tried to read it but got bored instantly.

Today, Google enticed me with several YouTube presentations.

This is an attempt to relive his attempts in diplomacy.

He was called prince of political philosophy.

To begin with politics has no philosophy.

Politics is the manifestation of greed and power.

The three who manifest this greed are obvious.

Depending on the Power of  the Pope and his greed for territorial claims and dominance wars were created by design.

Pope is the greediest of all.

Once war is started even Pope cannot intervene since there are many sectors including Orthodoxy.

We need a modern Machiavelli of high repute.

I do not think we would find one until Ukraine is decimated in full.

Do not put the blame on President Putin. He is prepared to drag this war until the presidential election in US is over and done with.

Then only, a suitable diplomatic entity should emerge.

One has to accept the American defeat and Americans have to swallow the bitter pill.

Biden wanted Putin changed and it would turn out to be that Biden and his policies will be changed without a single gun fired towards America.

Already 30,000 Russian soldiers are dead.

Ukrainian death toll is estimated to be over 400,000 and a ratio of over 1 to 10.

I do not know how many are displaced and how many are permanently wounded. Probably that runs in to millions and much more than the second world war casualties.

Che Guevara, the Real Revolutionary with a Beard

Che Guevara was born to a rich family but died as a hero to the oppressed.

He was assassinated in Bolivia by a singal soldier. Shots were fired to the lower body to show as he was killed in the battle and left to die (long term chronic asthma probably did the rest).
When his body was exhausted with six of his comrades it was found his arms were cut.

Later they were taken to Cuba for proper burial with state honours.

He died for the poor. the hungry and the diseased.

He was clever and never fought in battle without a gun in hand. He ridiculed the guys who went empty handed against a ruling junta.
He said it is counterproductive and result in either arrest or killed in battle.
When odds are heavy he preferred escaping from the battlefield..

That is what Russians do in Ukraine battle.

He carried his medicine in a pocket in his leg.

He emphasized the importance of the survival kit which CIA probably learned from him (to use in Afghanistan).

Swiss krist knife probably a byproduct of his safety tools.

He was 20 years senior to me and his Revolution started before I was born.

I can remember copying his photo with a pencil on the wall (side of my bed) at Arunachallum Hall. This was painted over by the university authorities during our vacation.

I also had wall hanging depicting a Vietnam peasant in a paddy field.
During this period North Vietnamese fought valiantly against US carpet bombing and  the use of agent orange over plush vegetation.

Battle of Tom King was a CIA conspirasy.

It was natural for me to become anti CIA not antiamerican.

CIA planned his assassination in Congo / Angola but failed.

His march to Havana (Castro arrived 12 days later) made him the real revolutionary force, against the capitalists of CIA/USA combo.

He was taken a prisoner.
Russia was instrumental in his release from Cuba.

This was the time when Russia had missiles stationed in Cuba (1962).

He was follower of Karl Marx political philosophy and the liberation of the working the class.
He followed Leninism but Lenin deplored killing but Stalin was like Che.

He worked in a labour colony and organized them within, in Latin America.

He was an intellectual.

He finished his 6 year course in medicine in half of that time.

He gave up practise of medicine to work and die for his comrades and fellow beings.

He excelled in sports, athletics, swimming and rugger but he had to give up rugger due to chronic asthma.

He was keen in music and produced revolutionary musical themes.

He organized a radio station for communication surveillance and he did know what the CIA tactics were and escaped assassination attempts twice.

His struggle was global and he did not remain in Argentina.

Che Guevara Beard
I use grow a beard in my first year as protest against the strict protocol of the medical faculty.
Che died in 1967 in October and I entered the university in October 1968. We sat the A Level examination in 1967 and it was a fashion for us to emulate him as a young radical. If I remember right another guy wore a beard since he failed the examination, twice. I was severely reprimanded by a senior medical guy who came from my village. He was one of  my brother's classmates.
I told him growing my beard is my business and he never said anything to me in his final year.
Of course I cut it during Viva Vose.
When the Army sent the gulag to the university I immediately cut my beard. I was asked to do so by a JVP guy who was my friend.

I continued to grow my beard in the university as a seconded officer but my professor never said anything.

The facial hair grows at 0.3 to 0.5 a day and it grows one third to one half inch a month. Its growth depends on genetics, nutritional status and perhaps the age (before puberty) and the type of testosterone. T and DHT.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Science Education in Ceylon and its downfall

I can write a book on this topic.

What went wrong?

1. Rapidity of change.

2. Change in medium of instruction.

3. Lack of textbooks.

4. Lack of training of teachers.

5. Lack of laboratory facilities.

6. Cancelling of University Entrance Examination conducted by the university.

7. Cancelling of practical examination.

8. Dropping to three subjects from original 4 subjects.

9. Lack of certification of schools on the basis of Science Education.

10. Irregular standardization methodology.

11. Increase of intake to the universities while the standard kept falling.

12. Fall in standard of academic English.
The word academic is my creation.

13. Poor salary scale for teachers and most of them leaving for assignments abroad.

14. Poor pension scheme for teachers.

15. Proliferation of private tution classes.

16. Training undergraduate as an export commodity.

17. Government Free book program.

18. Lack of library facilities.

19. Lack of extracurricular activities.

20. Lack of reference material on science journals and additional books.

21. Lack of review of Science education.

22. Lack of relevance of computer science.

23. Lack of tools like tablets and wifi education (this is done excellently in Singapore).

24. Lack of exchange programs.

25. Lack of multilingual capability for example German, French, Japanese and Korean.

26. Lack of programs for children waiting for examination results.

27. We had hopeless education ministers and some were young Teacher Rapists.

28. Lack of Training of school laboratory staff.

If only five of these points can be improved I think that it will improve the education system exponentially.

Teacher training comes first for me. I did not have good set teachers but I was a different kettle of fish.

I saw a comment of educational reforms on YouTube  and thought of penning this down, as I am stopping further blog pieces here.

Skills are necessary for conducting practicals.

I had a box of weight and a dissecting set.
My brother left all his ORIGINAL textbooks.
Only book missing was Physical Chemistry by Angus. I found a second hand copy.

My elder brother failed his advanced level and I was much junior to him and I did not hurry my steps.

With a Seven O' Clock blade I could cut a very thin slice of a meristem.
Later I graduated to a Wilkinson blade smuggled from UK for Rs.3.50.
Rs.3.50 was a big some and Marks and Spencer shirt on open market was Rs.5.00.

Currently I have a digital microscope which I had to by from my own pocket, I used it for my own research.

The university did not have a digital microscope.

I am surprised I did not become a surgeon (I was good with surgical skills).

By they way dissecting postmortem (no bleeding )and looking for antemortem thrombosis is difficult macroscopically.

Microscopic examinations is mandatory with lot of postmortem changes to deal with.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Worm's Genome in My Brain

It is interesting to note a surgeon has removed several worms from an Australian woman recently.
Detected through a MRI shadow.
The worms were not visible and was an accidental finding.

By the way, there is another worm called Taenia solium, a tiny tape worm resident in pork.
I think Jews ans Muslim do not eat pork due to this worm infection.

Pigs also carry an encephalitis virus that is transmitted by the common mosquitoes, Culex fatigans.

JEN-V or Japanese Encephalitis virus.

I was part of the team of the IIMI where we developed the vaccine with Japanese AIDS.

This not an educational piece but a satire piece and copyright protected.

My proteome is 20,000 and assuming 80% homology I have 16,000 proteins in my brain almost exactly similar to a tiny worm Ceanorhabditis elegans who is only 1mm in length.This guy has 302 neurons and 7000 connections and my brain cannot see any of these without a microscope.

Thankfully my childhood craze was a microscope  (not the telescope).

I have a standard digital microscope at home and a children's Telescope and Microscope Kit, I bought for 150 Singapore dollars many moons ago.

Problem is my brain has billions of connections and I think I probably have not used 80% of those connections for nearly 35 years (for clinical and academic work).

The corollary is if evey being uses little bit of his or her brain daily, this world would be a nicer place than it is today.

Nearly 80 millions connections of my connections are available for sale to the chatGPT for resale.

This blog site is not getting Big Hits and it will be closed soon and the Google search engine should not try to activate it.

Thankfully, my gmail client will be erased by default,  in two years from now.

Thank you Google and YouTube.

Formulary Notes and Ceylon Medical Journal

This is about Medical Faculty of Peradeniya.

We did not have a journal then all our publications were condensed in Formulary Notes.
Professor Senaka Bible initiated these little publications similar to Bhody Leaves of BPS.

Rest of the publications had to be presented to CMJ.

There was a book on liver of pathology published by a lady in UK who was an examiner.

To me, most  mentioned in the book were artifactorial.

One day, I asked my Professor of Pathology, it is time we should dispute them.

He said this is what you should do.

Professor of Paediatrics was very helpful and we decided to write 10 articles (not research) based on liver pathology in children.

Infectious hepatitis was common then.

The so called textbook was removed within 3 months of our publications in CMJ.

I decided to pen this since doctoring publications was an age old tradition.

There is a YouTube presentation highlighting these episodes.

The Coranavirus Saga is the latest manifestation.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Pantagotitan was Vegetarian

This is to dispute that the biggest animals that roamed this earth were carnivorous.

Weighing 70 tons and stretching 120 feet was the Gigantotitan.

Giganto = Gondwala

Titan = Large

The First hypothesis is that animal eat what is available in plenty.

Second hypothesis is that competition for food resources and scarcity of food leads to species extinction. That goes parallel with emergence of carnivorous species.

The Third hypothesis is that the tectonic plate displacement and isolation of large land masses lead to different ecological niches.

In other words evolution cannot be linear or consequential. Darwin had limited time and resources and he was instrumental in  bringing out the survival of the fittest concept but I dispute that claim, at least in the beginning when dinosaurus were roaming this planet and the living beings were harmonious except pests like giant fleas. These species were thick skinned and unless the parasites had syringe like proboscis sucking blood would have being difficult.
I am open to the concept that giant cockroaches were feasting on dead carcases but I am at variance with mosquitoes having a good time. Their eggs were very resistant whereas mosquitoes eggs need precise environmental conditions for success.

The frogs also had a difficult time in evolution but not amoeba.

In the beginning there was plenty.

That plenty came from plants.

These plants did not have 50 cell cycle limitation.

Their growth were determined by the principle of accretion. What it means is the accretion of cell layers on the growing surface leads to gigantic (proportions) creatures evolving.

The width or circumference of a plant grow by nature  of adding a layer on top of another layer.

The length of the tree (roots, too) depends on how fast the growing tip proliferates.

Sunshine and water were limiting factors.

Appling these simple principles to gigantotitan, I deduce the following.

The growth of the neck paralleled the height of the plants.

The size and strength of the trunk paralleled the length of the neck.

By the way, grasse were late in evolution around 100 million years ago.

Talking about grasses bamboo would have evolved first and grains (period of evolution of birds) would have been nonexistent.

The elephants and giraffe have long trunks and necks and are herbivorous.

I have no clue as to why there was a long tail except it followed the simple accretion protocol but with diminishing returns.
I cannot support balancing the weight strategy since the tail was placed at a higher elevation. May have had some help in turning and running.

The legs were more important in balancing.

By the way, the scale of the dinosaur was determined by computer simulation.

AI technology solely depends on the data one feeds.

The teeth were definitely herbivorous.

I have no idea about soft tissues, namely heart, liver, kidney and reproductive organs.

The possibility of asexual reproduction is probable, at least in early stages but sex orientation lead to diversity.

Paleontology is a fascinating subject.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Valadimir Lenin

Born to a nobel family in Russia in 1870.

He read Karl Marx but his revolutionary ideas were based not on exploited uneducated peasants but of the urban proliterate.

His form of socialism was called Leninism.

His revolutionary actions were bit different. He believed in armed revolution.

Whereas, Marx believed in gradual transsion from imperialism to parliament democracy (representative government) to communism.

However, representative government under czhar was a smoke screen for the ruler. So he decided to overthrow the czhar and parliament by armed struggle.

By the way, the army tried to overthrow the king and the kind sought help from the communist party.

The moment the communist party took control, the Polit Bureau had a firm grip on power.

Lenin introduced many reforms that formed the basis for global political changes.

1. 8 hour work day.

2. Land ownership and collective farms.

3. Worker Councils.

4. Educational reform and FREE education.

5. Semi Capitalistic industrial base.

6. Reform of Laws.

7. Restructuring army to defeat the White Army created by the dissidents of the church and the industrialist who lost power.
He organised the read army to defeat Poland and regained Ukraine.

8. He had a treaty with the West to withdraw from World War I for land exchange (Poland, Hungry and Ukraine which were under USSR).

9. Famine in 1917 in spite of October revolution.

10. Free the state from Church's domination.

11. Free the state from ethnicity and racial discrimination.

12. All races are equal under socialism.

He wrote extensively on Communism and Revolution.

Russians were blessed with Intelligentsia and Maxim Gorky is one of the classic writers and writing was in their blood.

Nicholas  II was reigning.
Pleasants were working under landlords and were underpaid. He relieved the peasants from slavery but that did not deter  the communist manifesto.

He went to war with Germany in World War I and during this time Grigorian Rasputin as the Church Cardinal had sex orgies that included the Queen of Russia.

Actually Rasputin was instrumental in the growing dissent on the ruling rich class.

His brother Alexander was killed (hanged) aged  23 for throwing a bomb at the guards and Lenin was 19 when this happened.

He was taken a prisoner by the czhar at the age of 23. He had a reasonable prison life and most of his writing came out while he was in prison.

He was fluent in German and French and lived in exile in Finland, Germany, Switzerland and London but NEVER in France.

He wad released aged 30 in 1910.

He violently overthrew czhar Nicholas Ii in his winter palace in 1917.

It was called the bloody Sunday.

He declared himself as the autocratic ruler.

He was sent to Siberia and was instrumental of writing many essays in appropriate pseudonyms that were smuggled into Russia.

He was hero for many and an enemy for the capitalists.

His baby photo was sent to space and his body is preserved and is on permanent display for the public.

He survived three assassination attempts and the last was made by a woman and she was hanged.
After this he became ruthless and crushed any opposition that opposed the bolsvicks.

The communist party had two divisions minsvicks and bolsovicks (minority).

He died aged 54 in 1924.

His birth place was named Leningrad.

He was a man with intelligence without which the world politics would be more chaotic, today.

Joseph Stalin of course took over the power of Russia after Lenin's death.

Stalin had an iron grip on the Russian power keg was a ruthless autocrat. He cleverly sidelined Trotsky.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Facts about American Election

1. Donald Trump had 10 million votes more than in 2016.

2. Biden outperformed popular Hilary Clinton by 15 million.

3. Trump won most of the marginal or disputed counties.

4. There were over 1000 complaints of election irregularities.

5. Rules of the games were changed to favour democrats by local electoral officials, contrary to the legislative procedures.

There was an overcount of 10,000 votes in a particular county.

Mike Pence did throw the towel out, perhaps prematurely.

Biden won.

I think Mike Pence had ulterior motive of running for presidency on a later date. He was an attorney. My guess is, if he contests he probably would be defeated by democrats.

If somebody is greedy for power he or she would be blinded by logic of the sutuation.

That is the miracle of American politics.

When asked about Ukrainian war or similar question by Tucker Carlson, Mike Pence in response said he did not care for Americans or Ukrainians.

This prosecution is political and not in anyway criminal.

There is an attempt by ruling party to stifle constitutional rights of all Americans.

I am not partisan here.
I want the electoral officers to act impartially. If the American system fails, it creates precedence.
Then guys in Ceylon will use the holes in the legal system to be in power eternally.

We are going to have an unconvincing presidential election result in 2024 which may go to counting the second and third preferences.

My advice is for the voter to mark only the candidate of his or her choice (preference) and avoid the second choice.

Why do we want to elect a second or third choice candidate.

Marking the second choice is optional and not mandatory.

Bottom line is voting procedure should be simple without added burden on the voter.

There a is lot to be changed in our constitution. I hope people will come to proper senses lest politicians will continue to ruin our country.

Linux Containers according to chatGTP

This is the first time I used chatGTP.

The outcome is impressive.

I ask the question through Quora.

Linux containers are different from windows containers.

The containers manage packages in isolation within the kernel avoiding conflicts within the system.

The docker is the standard for Debian.

However, Ubuntu Core is container specific distribution.

Linux container ecosystem while isolates packages within the kernel system but seamlessly integrate, even with windows containers.

I am new to Linux containers.

Since I am winding up my blog pieces here including Linux, I thought of writing this piece as a reminder for me to see where I left footprint before saying good bye.

If I happen to come back and blog again, I know the point where I left.

I am using Debian exclusively and I do not think I need not change my bulwark and docker container.

Reason of my hibernation is dirty politics that will be on the center stage until the end of 2024.

It is going to a long!

Many Views Besides Dhamma

Many Views Besides Dhamma

Buddhist view one cannot see the beginning of the Rebirth Cycle and one van only see the present moment in relation to past and future.
Buddhist goal is to end this cycle
Easy premise and difficult task.
Stream Entry is the way forward and goal of Dhamma.

Dhamma is the 63rd view.
Read Bhikku Bodhi's Brahmajakla Sutta.

62 Views Wrong views.

18 about the past


1. Some see certain number of Past life or Rebirths (both self and cosmos) and come to the view of belief that

These are seen (not observed in this life) with deep or immersive Samadhi states.
Goes beyond the reality (inevitable change)and become a view or opinion of permanent self and being.

2. Some see it for eons and also the evolution of the cosmos.

3. Some see 30 or 40 eons.

4. Some come to the view of eternalsm by simple logic.

If one becomes attached to any one of these views one is bound to be reborn again due grasping to these views of eternalism of self and cosmos.

Not grasping to these views is the Dhamma way of Samadhi.

These principles are deed, hard to see, hard to understand, beyond the scope of reason, sublime, peaceful, subtle, comprehensible to the astute and the Buddha makes them known after realising them with his own insight.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Failing American Strategy and Russian Resolve

I am not a military man but a guy with scientific approach.

My observation are;

1. .America has met its ultimate nemesis.

2. Using Ukraine as a proxy was a big failure.

3. This Zelensky guy was a non starter.
He has already outgrown American resolve.

4. He cannot be made the fall guy.

5. His forces are dwindling.

6. America does not want its boots on the ground with pending US elections.

7. It wants NATO forces especially Poland guys to take off the heat.

8. So provoking Russia in Baltic sea has become an open option.

9. America wants Russia to come out of the defense line.

¹0. Russia is not interested in land grab.

11. It wants to decimate Ukrainian or NATO boots.

12. War of attrition is Russian Resolve.

13. It is not a stalemate but an American Failed Strategy.

14. I believe, Russia would not fall to this trap and become offensive.

15. USA has a deadline.

16. Russia does not have a deadline but a strategy.

17. Ukrainian on trenches will go into battle fatigue (if not malaria and diseases).

18. American strategy to use a biological weapon instead of cluster bombs is looming.

19. In any case, nuclear arsenal is ready on both sides.

20. The question is who will use it first.

21. My guess is that a rogue country or a terrorist guy would use it due to his or her own insanity.

America has done enough to disable 43,000 Ukrainian Soldiers

Yes, America has done enough to Ukraine.

Out of the 150,0000 soldiers and Reserve Battalions trained abroad with NATO countries' help, 43,000 are permanently disabled in action in two months of counter offensive.

That is roughly 1/3rd of the Ukrainian Force.

I do not know how much is trapped in trenches in front of the front line.

May be another 67,000.

Their reserve strength at present is only 50,000.

What Russia wants is not gain in land or territory but decimation of another 67,000 before the next US  Presidential Election.

I think and I hope Donald Trump should come to power to save the  Ukrainian Reserve Force of 50,000.

Until then President Biden should send American boots to clean up the dead Ukrainian bodies.

Americans love to see body bags coming home so that they can play the American National anthem at victory / loss parade.

Russia is not in a hurry, boys!

War of attrition is good enough for them.

What I mean, is Americans do not care for Ordinary Ukrainian Souls.

They cry foul only when American body bags come home.

It is time for American boots on the ground.

I am told 30% of the Americans support boots on the ground.

Thete is no difference if one is Democratic or Republican!

American love War and Armageddon.


Discipline comes first.

It  does not come from home or parents.

It does not come from Church or Priests.

Discipline does not come from meditation.

I hate military discipline which is brutal.

The discipline comes from self control.

I think my discipline comes from my last birth.

I may or may have had meditation practice in my last birth.

I do not practice meditation at all..

Perhaps it would have been my military discipline in the last life.

I would have been killed in a battle in the last World War II (as a result of wounds sustained).

I hate all forms of War.

I do not wish to be dead in World War III.

I hate even killing animals.

I prefer to be a vegetarian so that no animal flesh supports my muscles or body.

My muscles are weak after Coronavirus Moderna Vaccine, and it may be a punishment (Kamma Vipaka) for my indulgence in war in the previous birth.

I love military and civilian aircrafts.

I wanted to become a pilot but never wanted to be a passive guy on a space ship.

I love action games.

I do not like cars, since they can never take off to air.

I hope a hybrid car would come into existence.

Coming back to My Discipline it goes like this.

When I come home after hard days work and sit for my main meal, I enjoy every bit of that meal, even it is pol sambol and dhal (I hate dhal now but love dhal Wadde).

I feed the cat first. She is very impatient and kring on my cloths. Cat on the right side.

Then I feed the dog.
He on the left side and my hand on his back.
Dogs do not like keeping the hand on their head.
They sit quietly by my side till I finish my meal.

The discipline or training for the pet is simple.
They have to wait till I finish.

I take my meal very slowly.

Nobody can talk when I eat.

I am now on retirement and no duties left and I chatter a lot at the table.

Happily no dogs and cats.

No gossip from my mother or my siblings.

I am in total meditative mode when eating and  I go through the days work and I run through,  in my mind whether, I had done any mistakes.

If there were any mistakes or missing points or outstanding jobs, after the meal, I ring the exchange and contact the guy or girl for confirmations.

Then I tell the exchange you cannot call me until I am on duty.

If anybody calls me I come out blasting and no polite exchanges.

This worked well in UK,too.

By the way, I wake up at 7AM even in the thick of winter.

Listen to some music and Terry Vogan was my favourite.

There were lot of conversations from listeners from 7 to 9, including legal matters.

Informative and educational.

This habit I kept all my life.

In the University I was the first to arrive and I even take the keys and open the office and switch on the computers and the network.

They are switched off at 4.30PM.

I even swipe my room and leave the rubbish in front of the door.

This habit I learned from my late professor.

I start the day with a clean slate.

By the way, I sleep well and nobody can wake me up when sleeping.

I slept through the biggest cyclone in UK which swept the roof of my neighbour.
Having heard the thump I pushed the fridge and freezer against the door.

Even the parapat wall collapsed.

I slept through the biggest earthquake in New Zealand of 7.2 rickter scale.

I was thrown off the bed and when woken up, I saw the Buddha image hanging precariously on the nail.

I could not sleep (fear of collapsing roof) for 6 weeks because of aftershocks.

I came home never to go back to New Zealand.

I was jobless for 6 moths and that was the longest holiday in my working career.

Currently I am addicted to sleep and very soon no more blog pieces.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Reborn Politician Rescuing Ceylon

This piece is outlandish.
Please take this as a JOKE.

I am optimistic for recovery for Ceylon.

I have no hope for any current figures doing politics in Ceylon saving us from anarchy.

I leave this puzzle to Indika Suraj Totawatta who is good at looking at probable candidate reborn in Ceylon.

These guys do not look at the Date of Death and if they are scientific, I am proposing them to study all born  in and around Vesak Poya day in 1973  and find the reborn Dudley and bring him back from political wilderness and help save Mother Lanka.

This is a simple challenge to I.S.Thotawatta.

Dalai Lama could be consulted if he is willing.

There is a caveat here he could be born as a Tamil. So much the better and Tamils would embrace him and would bring about racial integration lacking in politics today.

Current potential guys are useless.

1. My first candidate is Dudley Senanayake.
He will be fifty years now.
He died in 1973.

2. The second candidate is T.B. Ilangaratne who died aged 99 in the late 1990s.
He is bit over 20 years.

3. The third is Wijaya Kumaranatunge who was assassinated in 1988.

Because his violent death he is probably not born here probably born in the West.
He is 35 years.

Wishful thinking.

Steven Greer

I am a medical guy.

I did not register for my medical registration for nearly for 23 years to become a critic of the medical profession.

So I am presently not bound by Hypocritic Auth.

I have followed Carl Segan, Bertram Russel and Henry Stell Olcott.

I have followed this guy and was skeptical of him from the very beginning.

I won't say he is a hoax but certainly a crafty manipulator, the kind of CIA category.

He says he had seen alien crafts twice but no photographic evidence.

My belief is that the CIA created this story to hoodwink and cover up stealth aircraft development.

My book on "Alien Saga" has done a superficial ((I have no direct evidence) revelation.

Linda Moulton Howe is an artful investigative journalist. He is berating her.

Betty Hill alien abduction story is speculative.

David Grusch the CIA guy has given only hearsay evidence.

Nothing direct.

He craftily built up his gullible client base and his disclosure project is a total failure without any credible evidence.

He has made a fortune and all his sons are doctors.

Why none of his sons made a career path in UFOlogy is revealing.

He has now changed to NDS (near death syndrome) Saga and his earlier claim was that he followed a meditation session in India and became aware of alien beings.

According to him, he has had severe septicaemia in childhood that may have had significant and lasting damage to some parts of his brain.

The childhood illusions and delusions during septicaemia may have had lasting impression on him.

I am glad he never upgraded in his medical career.

I am a retired pathologist (as Buddhist I wish him long life without dementia) and if somebody does a PM examination of his brain clues of the childhood insults may be revealed.

That decision is left to his medical children.

If for some reason he was born in Ceylon he would have had a tough time to convince even gullible Ceylonese.

Even though, we were duped by our politicians and Kalama Sutta has given us freedom for Free Inquiry.

Free Inquiry  is lacking in USA and in the West.

CIA and FBI fear free inquiry since most of their war are all over.

Proxy war in Ukraine and covert viral and biostudies are revealing.

If he has enough evidence he should report them to the UNO.

Woke Culture Woman Advocate Getting Blasted

It is interesting to see a psychiatrist blasting a "Woke Culture" woman in broad day light.

She was advocating poorly trained American doctors to treat young kids like slaves in China. I am not surprised if Chinese are doing it in China.

Parents have no saying.

She is creating concept of gender by artificial means of her choice.

This gender has no relevance to biological sex that is determined at gametogenesis.

It is an artificial construct by Woke Culture and is determined before the normal onset of puberty.

I think she needs proper psychiatric assessment and treatment of her condition.

She should not be allowed to be in charge of children.

Rent a Womb Factory in Ukraine Bunkers

War brings strange industries to action.

It is called Rent a Womb Factory for ethically prohibited genomic studies.

They are operated big pharmacological companies.

Not only artificial virus are introduced to Ukrainian Russians but pregnant mothers and their wombs are used without their knowledge for genomic studies.

I wonder what control WHO has on these ongoing studies in bunkers.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Wijaya Kumaranatunge

If Jeevan is living today he would have been 75 years old.

He was a guy active in politics and was a good actor.

He was believed to be assassinated by JVP.

But he had enemies within (SLFP) and outside (UNP of JRJ) and JVP (a spies planted Inside JVP  by JRJ- CIA tactics).

JVP may not have carried it by themselves but close collaboration with UNP.

However Gamanayake was against the plot of killing Wijaya.

The guy supposed to be the assassin died under police custody.

A typical political assassination.

Wijaya was supposed to marry Melanie Fonseka (popular actress) and it was proposed that artists connived to assassinate Wijaya.

Jeewan Kumaranatunge is the elder brother and Ranjan Ramanayake is related to him.

He was assassinated in Polhengoda near his house.

I was in UK and I was not at all interested in politics of Ceylon, then.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Remmina and Remote Desktop Computing

I am out of my country and a regular Linux User.

I brought my NUC with me which was an unnecessary addition to my luggage. Of course it is little bigger than a large cellphone.

I cannot carry the heavy PC with me and the answer is the VNC and Remmina.

VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing.

One has to do a bit of work in command line.

I do not recommend graphic interface which  is vulnerable.

Other problem is one has to switch on the PC or the Laptop physically. If you is a business guy with a secretary at home it is no big deal.

For an old guy that is a handicap, unless one has an extended family.

Connection is vital but cell phone companies drain your money, if one is away from home.

That is the name of the game.

VNC do away with file uploading and downloading especially if one is only interested in looking at the photos on a business or holiday trip.

In my case I do not use Microsoft Windows and I have to get permission from the server guy or girl.

The added benefit is thay I can use Windows without paying a ransom to Microsoft.

Windows have lager market share and by  using VNC one can have the best of both worlds.

VNC is bit complicated with Mac due to their graphic intensity.

VNC is frugal and works on a light weight capacity.

If one day cell phone companies support VNC it is a bonus.

I doubt they will promote this  due to security and privacy concerns.

I stand to correction and Android cellphone can be used to connect to your PC.

But your PC should have an installed copy of the VNC Server.

VNC Viewer in your cellphone can then be configured.

Downside is one has to pay for the viewer and it is not a free software.

Japanese are disease of the skin and Communists are the disease of the heart

Chian Chai Zhec who was fighting Mao  Zedong said the above.

I am ambivalent to the author of the catch phrase.
It was planted in his brain by the Church.
It is a subtle brain washing technique which the Church is very good at.

Vatican head Montini is the one who spear headed the anti-communist movement.
There was closed alliance with Mafia of Sicily.

Even though, true Mafia resisted the drug trade, CIA established a link with drug lords.
These connection grew up to even Kennedy assassination.

Even though

CIA appeared independent they were in the loop intricately.

The priesthood child sex abuse is only a minor symptom and a malady which was never properly investigated.

American Methodist Church was trying to convert Chinese to Christianity and trained few priests including Soong.

They failed.

Mao even though, influenced by Soviet Union's (Stalin's) Communism had his own brand of Communism.

It was not working class but the peasants who were in the forefront of his liberation.

Karl Marx's  division of labour did not apply.

Japan captured one fifth of  Northern China and Chiang feared Mao more than Japanese.

Mao capitalized on his weakness and unified the Working or Walking Army.

Long March was his slogan.

Church which addressed to the Heart failed.

The anti-imperialistic slogan of Mao was successful in unifying China.

There were attempt to break away from grip of Communism but Shanghai or Hong Kong was forcefully integrated.

Central Committee decides and rest follow.
There is no democratic mechanism.

Frankly I do not like Chinese Communist Dictatorship.

Thr citizens are treated like slaves.

Stress is high and they have the highest heart disease casualties within the working class. I do not know the real reasons for  the changing tends, the food habit is only one of them.

They are now eyeing Taiwan, to begin with pretentiously on  legal grounds, failing which the brute mental and physical force.

China is timid on strong arm tactics but if Ukraine fails, which is inevitable  China will seize the opportunity.

Power politics is strange  it is all about seizing the opportunity.

Ordinary people whether in the West or East have no choice.

For ordinary people it is after the fact jubilation.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Indhika Suraj, A Walking Encyclopedia

Indhika Suraj is a walking encyclopedia.

I do not agree with him on many points especially his inclination for astrological predictions.

I prefer him to become a astrophysicist, like me.

He is totally blind from ? birth and he has an extraordinary power to remember the contents of many Suttas and Books he has read.

Having said that he is very vocal about wrong cultural habits in Ceylon.

He is against racism.

He respects other religions.

He is tolerant to multilingual education.

He is logical.

He is reasonable.

He is empirical.

He is both empathic and sympathetic.

But he helped a racist regime to come into power.

He is culpable for that crime against  humanity.

He is now, liberal but somewhat against rationalism.

His belief in astronomy is an indication (somewhat irrational predictions by him especially political).

But that is his own trade and he is entitled to promote his views.

I won't go to him for any future predictions about me  but I do not prevent someone consulting him on astrology.

Above all, I respect him for his forthright behaviour.

He speaks to the mind and not to the physical body.

As a paediatrician I have seen many children with many handicaps.

The beauty of mankind is handicapped guys and girls have great potential and they should never be treated differently.

They are differently abled not disabled.

The word disabled should be banned from English Dictionary.

Its meaning is divisive and Indhika Suraj is totally against division due to race, casts, colour, religion and language.

I believe he has read Bertram Russell.

I do not know whether he has read Karl Marx.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Human Robotics and Alien Mother Ships

In USA there is Senate fact finding mission on Alien Crafts and Alien Beings.

I am interested in both but here my concern is about unmanned ships.

Because of human hostility to aliens my guess is shrewd aliens have mothership in space (well away from human ariel reconnaissance) and only the robotics come down for surveillance.

Only with Ukraine war we begin to realise, the potential of Russian unmanned aircrafts and comerkazie (suicide) drones.

It has taken nearly 70 years from the Roswell crash for  humans to try unmanned ariel crafts without a base computer.

That is how we have progressed.

Save Gonzalo Lira

Gonzalo is a freelance journalist who was wrongfully arrested by SPU.

He has miraculously escaped from Ukrainian prison  by paying a hefty ransom to his prison inmates.

It reminds me of Ranjan Ramanayake.

He was an outspoken guy who voiced his opinion.

These things happen during war time.

He is entering Hungary or he may have already entered Hungary by bike and on foot.

God Save him from injustice.

If he does not post a video we have to assume he is dead.


Karl Marx Revisited

I want to educate the Ceylonese masses of wrong connotation of political upheavals and spontaneous uprising.

These uprising have to be managed carefully and Dhamma or Buddhism should be freed from saffron clothed guys who are driving nuts on people's suffering.

If Karl Marx was here today he would have been very critical of Sanga.

I was looking for Karl Marx, de Capital and could not find it.

Bought a book written on Communist Manifesto.

Hear I would outline a few key words for public consumption.

The definitions of these would come on a later date.

1. Capitalism.
2. Materialism.
3. Exploitation.

Globalization without borders is a new concept that Karl Marx did not foresee.
He did not see the war mongering neocolonialism.

Preliterate working class

Bourgeoisie middle class

Ruling class Church, King and currently the neocolonial gulag



Genesis of Church

I could not find that, the religion is opium of the people.

I could not find Unions and Labour Party.

General Genesis of words was the sole authority of the Church and the word communion was its creation.
Authority, dogma, tradition and revelation are in their rigid protocol and artificial morality.

That is the tragedy.

Authority, control, dogma, tradition and revelation do come from the Church.

Whereas logic, reason, empiricism and freedom of thought come from Karl Marx.

These words are antithesis to the Church and no wonder why they tried to castrate his ability to question the authority of the Church, King and Business Magnates.

When one looks at Colonel Henry Steel Olcott his views are similar but he was liberal on all religions and he against one God and One Church.

What one has to surmise is Karl Marx saw religion as an antithesis to open inquiry, socialism and  scientific thinking

If he had read Kalama Sutta before his collosal work he would have coined the word liberalism in his thinking.

Even though. Karl Marx was a rational thinker he never coined the word Rationalism in his essays.

In fact, he avoided philosophy and rationalism from his vocabulary since, for a working class man, these fields have no meaning.

He was trying to simplify his thesis.

His aim was to liberate the working class man from the crutches and grip of King, Church and Business Magnates.

By the way, the first Labour Union was formed in America, the capitalistic base.

Lithuania and Land Bridge to Kallingrad

There are many idiots of War.

One is South Korean President.
He went to Ukraine over Russian air space and promised aid.

He could not come home by air and had to reroute his way back home.

I was doing a bit of research why Samsung company is going bust. (It is good time to buy bargain stuff).

Silicon base of America is South Korea and with the war they are not getting silicone and circuits to maintain the supply chain.

There is also an imperceptible global Silicone War.

Other silicone guy, Taiwan is is eyed by China for over a century.

It is the a chip or silicone base.

Stupidity of the president is hiting its industrial base.

While this is happening Russia is helping North Korea to built intercontinental ballistic missiles.

The other idiots are mercenaries.

They either die or get injured.
If they survive they get faked dollar notes as payment which no bank would honour.

Ukraine has no cash, hence they print faked dollar notes.

Lithuania borders Russia.
There is a land corridor to Kallingrad that sits on the border of Lithuania. There was a railway line to Kallingrad through Lithuania which they have blocked to Russian civil goods movement.

Lithuanian president is another idiot only rivalling South Korean president.

Wagner forces are already building up the resources in preparation of closing up of the land corridor to Kallingrad by Lithuania.

Hitler donated this piece of land to Russia before the second World War. If the Americans attempt to close this corridor to Russians Lithuania would be the next country to fall without NATO.

The Vilunus is in Lithuania and NATO had the last meeting there.

The Ukrainian war has many ramifications and USA and EU are in a quandary.

Do not expect the current war in Ukraine to wind up.

It will continue and Syria and Yemen are boiling pots.

To much to handle before the USA presidential election.

Do not ignore the food crisis.

Turkey is also to blame for emerging crisis.

By the way, I hear Lithuania has withdrawn from the embargo they forced on civilian transport to Kallinhrad. 

Lap dogs have to wag their tails and behave well in public!

5 Eyes and New Zealand Disaster

5 Eyes are 5 English Speaking Countries which share intelligent information.

1. USA

2. UK

3. Australia

4. Canada

5. New Zealand

France and Germany excluded.

These countries do not trust each other and spy on each other. That is how global diplomacy works.

South Africa is excluded because of their black majority.

They working hypothesis is that White Skin Guys are superior but they were barbarians and exploitative.

Goals are


Ukraine was a proxy of USA to destabilise Russia and Regime change.

New Zealand treated Zelensky like a hero. In real life, he is a phonographic film star.
Treating him like modern Bertram Russel or war time British PM ??.

That backfired and they found their nemesis, the Russia.

Problem is that China is expanding in the Pacific and the 5 eyes need a base on pacific region.

New Zealand cannot hold up to China and it has become a proxy for USA  in South China Sea conflict.

When I was in New Zealand 30 years ago they pretended to be neutral.
They are not but a slave or vasala country for USA.

They cannot stand up to BRICS but using Russian Card to break up the emerging deglobalization and multilateralism.

New Zealand is no match and they could not match with even Maories in real battle.

I begin to hate New Zealand for their about turn and duplicity.

When talking about duplicity India is the best example.

Ceylon now is a vasala or slave state of China bypassing USA and India.