Saturday, October 15, 2022

Update on Linux Distributions-2023

This update is early but not premature.

This Christmas and Winter going to be the worse in modern history, except for Russia (I wanted to say China but the effect on Chinese workforce is devastating and I want to say Coronavirus is most likely an American conspiracy brought on by multinational companies to stifle Chinese economy).

I was down by the vaccine myocarditis and I am back to 95% of myself, still have lingering side effects including backache and inability to lift more than 5 Kilos.

But it was a blessing and I have become happy, relaxed and more organized after this episode.

I consider it my Rebirth Again in this life with much better outlook.

My temper tantrum or the site of the brain causing me to be angry has become dysfunctional.

All these caused me to update my computers well in advance.
I have finished it by October 15th.

Of course Intel's NUC has changed me completely and it is fabulous.

My wooden desktop has no clutter and is in total Wifi mode.

It has three major components.
Others include,
Two 1 terra byte SSDs (bought them long time ago).

Emergency Lamp with USB charger for power cuts.
One note book.
An Old Note book with all the telephone numbers.

There powerbanks.

Two cellphones Android 8 and 11.
One Cellphone is for update on Ukraine war.

The other for update on Linux distributions.

My need is portable, small foot print Linux.
1. Puppy Linux comes first with almost over 100 USB, mini CD, CD versions but only two are 64 bit versions.
Development is currently very slow.

2. Knoppix 9.2 English version, coming from Germany and is in hibernation mode.

3. Number Three and upwards are for my work outputs.

1. Debian 11 with Plasma 5 desktop.
Debian, 11 earlier version for all the desktops and some are in USB sticks.

2. Number 2 Linux Mint.

3. Ubuntu for GRUB configuration.

4. Sparky Linux (I have not got spakylinux game over)

5. Salix Linux.

6. DeepIn Linux an alternative for Google.

7. Emmabantus

8. EndlessOS for cellphone like desktop front and enormous packages but very slow to download (applications are not Torrent files.

9. Mageia.

10. Peppermint Linux, I have fallen out of favour.

Rest I have not tested and no intention at all, and I am allergic to Arch Linux and it's Derivatives PopOs and Manjaro.

The site does an excellent update.

I only use torrent files and browse  Linux Torrent Tracker when I want to download an image.
I go for the stable version and not the latest for good reason.
I believe one makes a torrent file once all the bug tracking is done.
Whereas, direct downloads and beta version (I have stopped testing beta versions and filing individual reports.

The bigger problem of direct downloads is nefarious files can be added to direct files which are not checked as in Torrent files.

The communities are very active and no flame wars except in commercial versions like SuSe and Fedora.

They make a bit of a mess going for cutting edge and modern hardware.

I am also very allergic to what called cutting edge graphic cards and latest processors.

Gaming is a different ballgame altogether.

It is a different ballgame and there are few very enthusiastic guys producing YouTube videos.
I casually glance them but make comments  very rarely.

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