Thursday, July 8, 2021

Tea, Coffee or Coriander

I go for coriander or Kootha Malli.

More about it later.

For the record I do not at all.

I slept through the semifinals of football and won't watch.the final to see penalty kicks at the end which is boring.

Watching Brazil and Argentina playing soccer is a real treat.

I was reading an.article by a British journalist who probably is an alcoholic (all journalists are and a good local example is our own Victor Ivan) and is writing about coffee addiction and trying to hide his true addiction, which is alcohol.

More about it later in a book form, which is probably going to be my last book.

A good journalist should not write about his experiences even, if he is short of ideas to write.

He becomes a laughing stock when he makes a big journalistic blunder (like the British PM) by his own comrades.

He could have assumed a fictitious character and add more spices into his story.

He is citing a neurologist (neuroscience is a pseudo-science which is in vogue currently) as an accreditation in a vague sense and tried to put a scientific notion.

Currently our understanding of working of the brain is limited to the cortical part of the brain and what is beneath is ill understood especially the neural networks, the  memory and the effect of tea, coffee, nicotine (smoking) and alcohol on the limbic system and eccrine, apocrine, paracrine and endocrine pathways.

I was a relative addict in my life but my greatest was gambling which can ruin a family.

My last gambling episode was when I left New Zealand for good.

I had very little saving and kept a few dollars for the taxi fee to the airport.

I decided to do some gambling since I arrived at the airport very early and the connection flight was hours away.

Now all airports in this world want to swindle your last dollars and pounds before you leave the particular country you visited and there are lot of gambling decks to entice.

I did a little survey and found one I could make a few bucks.

Had a tentative bid which I lost and with in a few strokes I made three times for the taxi and stopped.

The trick here is that the machines are programmed in the first few strokes for you to win and if you go beyond 10 strokes  you are a loser.

I used my mathematical brain to stop with the last big win.

Coming to caffeine adduction, the Chinese are the world's drug addicts and gambling addicts (of the world) until MaO SeTung decimated 3 to 5 millions (he was partially successful but he used his knowledge to spread, casinos, massage parlours.drugs and prostitution as export commodities, Ceylon is its latest victim).

Real double standards by Chinese.

I did a bit of search of Chinese addictive drugs a few moons ago and that piece is here on this bog site.

There only good contribution is Gotu Kola (Ginkola biloba).

The rest are all addictive concoctions.

By the way, Coriander is not their discovery and originated in.the Arabian peninsula, many centuries ago.

Currently I promote coriander as the only safe drink that is not addictive but a drink that helps to prevent Interleukin Effect by default by insidious infections including Coronavirus.

It has the property of arresting allergic reactions.

That is the reason the coriander has gone up in.price in Ceylon and in short supply like saffron.

Now five things that save my life benzathine penicillin injections, immunization including BCG and three ingradients from my mother her milk (including cow's milk), coriander and saffron in her curries.

The coffee and tea were not part of her beverages for us as kids.

Ginger beer was the only other drink allowed occasionally.

Now I add ginger beer to.coriander to make it sparkle.

Coming.back to alcohol after 10 years of careful planning I am out of alcohol and rice totally.

For the Russians and French fighting on sparkling wine, I won't suggest coriander but our local Kassippu is stronger than Vodka. on a holiday enjoy Arrack and follow it up with Coronavirus antidote, the  Coriander with ginger beer.

Mind you.ginger has lot of medical properties.

To my medical friends I am not only a naturalist but a herbalist in action.

My.attempt at growing coriander and saffron is total failure.

I love the aroma of coriander leaves and persevere with the next batch of seeds to grow it in earnest, on the rooftop garden.

By the way, home gardening is one of the most satisfying.

Looking at lillie flowers every morning is gratifying to say the least.

Now my love of birds originated from budgerigars we had as kids.

I used to get chesty as a kid and they thought,  it was asthma but it was all due to budgies and various citacosis strains they carry and infected me.

When we got rid of the bird cages I recovered fully.

One of my great diagnosis as a GP was a woman who.rared beautiful birds in Negambo.

She had bird fanciers disease and her presentation was hepatosplenomegaly and labelled as a case of  leukemia.

I saved her from chemotherapy and I did not do a bone marrow biopsy on her.

Citacossis is the technical name.

I had the rare previledge of doing a marrow biopsy on Sir John Kotalawala.

He did not grumble in his late 80s.

When JRJ was in death bed, I signed his death  report (not his death certificate) at Navaloka Hospital.

Navaloka Gihilla Paraloke Giya was the standard vocabulary in Ceylon.

It is a status symbol, the relatives bring their patients in their dying bed or moments and doctors there drag the life for a day at most (some stone dead attached to an antiquated facemask).

The special care unit non existent and with three other guys we formulated a required protocol and training.

We saved ONLY one young boy under 15 with Guilline Barre Syndrome during my.time.

I.provided the laboratory support and visited him twice daily in the first 10 days and one a week thereafter.

One of his uncles became a neighbour quite by accident a few years later.

All these big guys think they never kick the bucket.

Venerable Narada was the one who bent my mind to Dhamma and I hope to end my herbal Dhamma here now.

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