Friday, June 8, 2018



Emancipation=the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation

I was on a self imposed hibernation for nearly one year and want to emerge out of it, to the real world of entanglement.

One reason of my hibernation was the US election and Faked News Saga.

The whole digital world paranoia (Snowdon saga) and the unwanted digital surveillance was my beta noire.

I knew of this covert American, Russian and the latest entry China’s digital surveillance, long before (I do computer forensics and the Kali Linux type infiltration) American (Washington Post) News exposed it.

I called it “Digitally Zeroing” which I tried from 2014 (but could never achieve it-it is a dangerous addiction but the real reason for the hibernation was truly personal and has no relationship to the Internet).

As a preparation, I gave up fish keeping but entered into new environmental study, the Water Lilies to pass the time.

I see no reason for offering flowers at the alter (weddings, garlanding politicians etc) and an antithesis to insect and animal kingdom (honey birds included), instead of uttering the Gata which states the fundamental importance of impermanence in Buddha’s words.

I did not read any books (TV, Media and daily Papers) or indulged in writing (stopped finishing of the three books, I started few years ago, mind you boring medical stuff, no loss to my limited clientele) and said no to everything (including alcohol-prices not the indulgence) except basic food which we loved (food quality has gone down drastically under the new regime but prices going up by the minute).

It was absolutely invigorating and slept well in spite of the mosquitoes (it is the mosquito net I worship now) and bit of Metta (how can one meditate with this mosquito music buzzing) Meditation.

I also discovered that the some of the feel good hormones do not work (if you have a tot after the meditation session), if one sip of spirits is taken in.

The only substitute for feel good hormone is chocolates (I eat them plenty) that over score meditation by 300% (the effect of meditation).

Now to the topic today.

If you are not a physicist do not read beyond this point.

I listened to two of the YouTube discussions on various topics like holographic world, world of information, the computer universe and the quantum physics.

Nothing about dark matter, black holes and expanding or contracting universe in their discussion.

It was a mess and a tangled entanglement to me (who was very good in mathematics and physics from young age).

I thank myself for not taking up those fields and indulging in mediocre medicine (not psychology, the biggest entanglement of the modern world, including modern interpretation of Buddha’s words).

I went to sleep confused but woke up fully invigorated with a dream.

The moment I woke up, I momentarily remembered and meditated on late Prof. A.D.P.Kalansuriya.

He was the one who introduced me to the basics of philosophy.

He used to say these guys do not come out of the box and entanglements.

The dream illustrates his core theme "out of the box thinking".

The dream goes like this.

It was in an American Institute of repute or ill repute (which way you look at them).

The professor standing had four students.

He boxed them in a square not in the Cat Box of uncertainty.

Each one of them is one of the four sides of the square.

Each one has to go high up in his field of thinking to expand the probability aspect of his or her core value (unfortunately all were males and not a single female).

What it does is to make the square bigger but if any one of them goes faster than his fellow beings the square becomes distorted by laws of physics and not of mathematics (which is the bottom line of Western physics).

Ultimately it became a sphere, not a circle and busted out of our universe and entered another universe.

Unfortunately, the dream ended there and I woke up to explore the other universe but I wasn’t there in reality.

This is what we call the Western reductionist point of view but in reality it expanded out of control in the discussion quoted above.

This dream amused me a lot and took the book “The all embracing Net of Views (Brahmajala Sutta)” out to read.

But in this type of situation what one should really do is to drop all the views (that is what Ana Pana Sati Meditation teaches you) one by one and enter into the void (Sunnatta) which frees one from the tangled entanglement.

If one can goes to the furthest end (very difficult scenario) that is what is called emancipation (liberation may not be the correct term) in Buddhism.

It sets one free to the bondage of attachment and is not a void at all.

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