Sunday, April 28, 2024

Concord Disaster and Why one should carry less luggage when flying?

The French Concord which flu 29 years successfully was terminated by simple lapses on part of the crew and the passengers.

Passengers on their part loaded unnecessary luggage.

The crew did not record the fuel load correctly on the take off.

Thirdly the ground maintenance staff did not examine every piece of landing gear.

The tires take an enormous load and pressure during take off and landing and simple mistakes summate to rupture any tire.

Burning that followed were due to other reasons.

When an aircraft is big and heavy it needs more fuel and more thrust at take off.

It had four engines and two failed at take off.

So French trying to outsmart America had to bite the dust.

I prefer flying on a smaller aircraft with low fuel consumption.

Better still they could have built several more airplanes instead of one behemoth.

Reason for this piece is to highlight 5S principle in any engineering or service concept.

Violating any of those principles especially the fourth the "Routine Standards" is blatant disregard for safety.

A woman from Ceylon wanted to bring 14KG of rice from Ceylon to Australia on a Sri-Lankan Flight. 
I am not sure whether she was allowed or not.
I have decided not to fly on Sri-Lankan Airline for good!

The entire aircraft was dirty to say the least.

I had a birds eye view of their procedure while waiting to board and it was less than ideal.

If they provided a good cup of Ceylon Tea, I would have not written this.

I am writing this for them to revisit the broader strategy and cut the ground staff drastically  and train the remaining staff to high standards.

I can remember doing a 5S course with some pilots long time ago.

Perhaps they have retired and the next generation of pilots and other servicemen and women are poorly trained.

I do not mind a plane getting late but if any airline that (including private airlines) sacrifices safety to maintain timly schedule is bound to fail.

This is errors are common in America,too.

I do not know about British but going by the reports, no better.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Che (Earnest) Guevara

1. Born on Arhentina in 1928 and died in 1967, aged only 39.
2. He came from an ordinary family.
3. A Bohemian who was ahead of time.
4. He was asthmatic but he overcame his asthma with his tenacity.
5. He took part in sports including horse racing.
6. He gave up studying medicine to take up a voyage by bike in Latin America.
7. Having discovered the Spanish destruction of Latin America he became angry with Spanish.
8. Similarly having discovered how American treated Latin Americans as subhuman he was very angry with Americans.
9. He had several bike accidents and returned to Argentina and finished his medical education.
10. He went to Guatamala and saw how American Banana Planters using mercineries exploit the human labour in a country which had a Communist Party.
He was frusted that he could not organize opposition.
11. He was sought after by C.I.A and he hid in Argentine Embassy and fled to Mexico where he met Fidel Castro expelled from Cuba.
12. He and Fidel Castro were bold enough to confront with the powerful American Army in Cuba with only 82 other similar minded revolutionaries.
13. CParty  C wvas shipwrecked on their way to Mexico and moored to a wrong harbour.
He had a choice of taking his medical aid or body armour and he de to become a fulltime revolutionary.
14. Fought the Batista Army successfully.
15. American disaster and also called Bay of Pigs invasion.
16. Cuban missile crisis.
17. Rift with Fidel Castro.
18. Revolution in Congo which did not have real enemy (Belgians were cruel people).
19. Went to Bolivia and he was betrayed by both C. I.A. and Bolivian Army.
20. Who killed Che is still a mystery!
21. He was betrayed but his iconic image remains as a true revolutionary in the minds of all oppressed souls on this planet earth who could not rise above adversity.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Misrepresentation of J.V.P. Strategy

There are several YouTube representations  probably by J.V.P. sympathizers.

They are represented as heroes.

I was in the thick of this uprising in the Peradeniya University but none of those guys could convince me to join them.

Some clarification at the beginning.
If one makes a valid and academic study he or she should read Sansoni Report. 

I have not read it but the report's recommendation to rehabilitate these intelligent (I have my doubts even now) but misguided youth is congratulatory.

I had first hand experience with some of these guys who became very friendly with me in spite of me rejecting their ideology.

There was no need for me to read the Sansoni Report and what follows below is my calculated opinion on this uprising.

To begin with in 1971, except for political division among politicians, the general public was not involved in ground level politics. Country was peaceful and general public minded their own businesses. 
There was no need for artificial revolution.

The eruption of Middle East crisis created by C.I.A in 1973, with sudden increase of oil prices, we had to go through financial crisis (not a cultural crisis) with an empty coffers.

Our politicians did not have a plan or financial buffer for such an eventuality. 
I do not think the temporary food crisis has any relevance to J.V.P. uprising.

However, current financial downturn was a certain trigger for radical thinking but except for artificially (politically, too) created uprising in Galle Face, there was no revolutionary trend in Ceylon for ages.

Instead, same old guy wearing a different cap running the show, as nothing has happened in the general thinking of the citizenry.

I think we missed a golden pportunity to steer us through a meaningful political change.

I do not think by abolishing the post of presidency (It should have happened decades ago), ground situation would change.

I was a third year medical student and I used to argue how one can topple a government with one shot "Gal Katas" or single delivery rifle. 

You need a machine gun in combact situation, I used to tell them.

I closely followed Che Guerra and he was a medical student who gave up medicine to take up serious political stance. 

He was my hero!

In fact, with a pencil I drew his picture on the wall (Halls of Residence) of my bedside. 

Of course, having realized the ground situation, I erased it and changed it to a Vietnam peasant with a rice field in the background.

Vietnamese gave a battering to US Army.

I had no artistic skills and I did it, by copying (draw squares on the original picture and copy the picture square by square) a newspaper picture.

My batch may have had a few sympathizers of the J.V.P. but they were probably very secretive (none were apprehended).

1. It has some relevance to our Language Policy.

2. English Educated were given preference in the public sector and in the Army, Navy and Police (services were treated in that order and there was obvious rivalry) specially the higher carders.

3. There is definite Caste System established in Ceylon and J.V.P. exploited it.

4. There was antiindian propaganda.

5. I believe Wijeweera's views were rejected and he was expelled by Russian hierachy (Russians may have provided Intelligence to Sirimavo Government) and he sort help from North Korea (I stand to correction here).

6. They used Corded Messages in daily Sinhala Papers (may have had some help from some journalists).

If they had cellphones then, the outcome would have been different.

7. How Gullible were the Sinhala Educated school children at that time?

School children may have been threatened or coerced by higher carders.

8. Majority of young Buddhist monks and Temples were used to propagate the agenda.

9. Minority of Peradeniya and Colombo University graduates supported it but majority of Kaleniya and Nugegoda (race course was their initial residence) universities supported it.

10. Their arms struggle was aborted by high handed acts of the Army, Navy and Police.

These officers were promoted to higher carders.

Police who used to be fair before the insurrection became more cruel to themselves and to the average citizen.

Incidentally, army officer who came to round up J.V.P. was from my colleague and he wanted names and I said nobody in our Hall of Residence (but there were a dozen) and nobody was taken in.

I said even, if I knew I would not volunteer.

11. L.T.T.E was a direct offshoot and they used revised tactics and they sorted Indian and Norwegian direct help.

List can go but I would stop here.

Incidentally, William Gopallawa's who was the Governor then had engineered Sirimavo to lower the marks of entry so that his son Monty (he is no more) could enter Peradeniya University. 

He ended up studying Philosophy and my elder sister was a beneficiary by lowering the marks.

This tragic manoeuver lowered the standard in all the universities.

Then, the universities did not have the manpower or resources to absorb inordinately increased mumbers of students.

I did enter the university many years before (1968, 56 years ago) but our entry was thoroughly scrutined with practical session on physics, chemistry, botany, zoology and in addition organic chemistry (biochemistry) practicals for Medicine.

The next year Irriyagolla (his son and daughter -graduate from Russia- were  medical students) discontinued the practical sessions.

By the way, I hated these practicals and even cheated in botany and physics. Biochemistry test was horrible and none of the tests reacted with the test substance given to me. 
I repeated it twice and I left my records blank and made a note it should be            naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene (moth balls or rat and cockroach poison) but I never tasted it while doing the test. 

Benzene is a unique organic molecule.

In botany I used to taste them before testing (that is how I cheated in botany). 

I chose a rotten fish for dissection and the nerves were fully exposed. 

I had only to wash the specimen thoroughly.

I had common sense and I still believe most of the J.V.P. guys did not have common sense, then.

By the way, I was the 4th in the kill list of DJVP in 1988-89.
The reason for me included in the list was simple logic.
I was working for Americans.

There was a plan to launch a satellite and I was protecting it in the Surgical Theater as a Medical Equipment.

Even a fool could identify it as a satellite!

India could not launch a satellite then and it took a few decades for them to achieve that feat with Russian help, of course!

RAW created DJVP and to this day I hate Indians on our soil.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Why I hate most of the YouTube Videos?

Yes, I hate most of the YouTube Videos.

I was a news addict in my working years.
I was busy with many tasks and I wanted news in brief before I go to bed.

Email was my major tool and by midnight, I used to delete the junk mail and answer all the work related emails.

Email was a great tool in it's inception but has fallen out of choise of it Utility Value.

I think YouTube is major reason and videos make a powerful image and text messages have now become SMS.

I became addicted to YouTube in my retirement and certainly not now.

Problems of Videos are many.

1. Videos are bloated by design and each guy has an alloted time.

2. Advertisement take precedence and is the major fault.

3. The catch phrase of the YouTube has no relevance to it's contents. 
It is to entice the content user.

4. The guys and girls are worried about the income it generates not the newsworthyness.
It has almost become a mode of purchase value like an item in the supermarket.

5. There is no editorial comments or summary at the beginning or at the end.

6. There is a vetting system in practice and Jackson Hinkle is a Victim of this system.

7. Alternative view is suppressed deliberately. 

There is RussiaGate in operation.

Ukraine news is biased to it's core.

8. One has to read RT News to get a better view.

9. Current News (as per You Tube) is not neutral. 

BBC should be renamed British Bias Content.

10. Media is used for polarization and even Tucker Carlson is a fallen Victim.

There is UniParty instead of an alternative view or opinion.

This list can go up to 20 but I would stop at that.

11. Faked News Rule the World.

12. If one is business oriented one has to have an astute secretary to filter or weedoff the matter of fact contents (DO Not watch junk YouTube videos).

13. Google's YouTube is failing by its own design.

Modern Warfare and AI Systems

Long time ago when Robots were in developmental infancy, I theorized that the World War III would be an AI dominated War.

It is not like Uber in the process of delivering food items and accidentally killing a young girl on the street in America.

I never thought in my life time I would see these AI missiles in action.

Yes, it is happening in Ukraine and Russia is perfecting it's AI armament with the help of satellite communications.

Just now Russia can nullify any satellite system including Elon Musk's infrastructute who in broad day light provided information to Ukrainian forces on the ground.

I believe Russia took out a few of his satellites in service in retaliation.

Russia did not stop at that but started reprogramming it's AI strategy.

Right now China is investing heavily on AI technology in preparation of a Taiwan conflict.

The question is can USA and it's allies UK included, take China, Russia and Iran together in a conflict at a time Americans refuse to enroll with the military and the air force.

AI conflict is not putative but real scenario, in the way things are developing.

There is another important side effect that AI and modern warfare created.
That is lack of relevance of battle ships and carriers in modern conflicts.
They are white elephants to maintain and slow to respond.

They are vulnerable to missiles.

They can be effectively blocked by smaller boats that are operated by reactionary groups and sea pirots.

Fitting reconnasainasence equipment and training personnel is labour intensive.

However, I want to kick the bucket by natural causes before that eventuality.

I refuse to be put on a ventilator and get AI help in my last few seconds on this planet gone to mad politicians who are clinically demented both in Ceylon and USA.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Priests, Monks and Their Operatives

When priests, monks and their followers take up politics, they become liability and failure.

They become pawns of the system from which they cannot escape or shed responsibility of initiating a new problem.

One can write a book on this issues regarding Ceylon but this piece is only an eye opener.

The current situation started with Somara obliging to kill a politician which he could not but Ozie Corea did the finishing touches. 

Mind you, there was a Buddhist monk living with a female minister during these activities and he was called Buddharakkita.

Coming to recent events Soma Thera who was planing to contest Presidential Election and was eliminated in Russia under suspicious circumstances.

It did not end there but Bodu Bala Sena or infamously called B.B.S. whose current leader is in prison on political grounds.

I have no sympathy on this guy but the way he was incarcerated  was similar to how Ranjan Ramanayake was send to prison and released with a gag order later.

Then there is another one called Sobitha who has the same disease becoming the number one political figure in Ceylon. 

His organization is an offshoot of BBS but not very different and Champika is financing it.

By the way, according to Code of Conduct, Buddhist monks are prevented from taking part in politics and they have to derobe before entering politics.

Then Cardinals getting involved in this Saga is as bad as guys mentioned above.

These Cardinal guys hatched a plot to oust Gotabaya (his family members were in the plot) which was undemocratic to say the least.

Of  course, these Cardinals even a hatch plot to oust Pope in Rome with the help of Mafia and one Pope was poisoned.

These Cardinals wish to take up politics they should derobe to begin with.

They are all crooks in the system.

Regarding Muslim priests, I have very little knowledge except Sunni and Shia Muslims kill each other, on the name of their Gods.

These Muslims were instrumental in Mirihana incident which went out of control since there was another big plot to remove Gotabaya.

I think in the bigger plot, India (RAW), USA (basically C.I.A) and indirectly China were participants to oust a legally installed government (conspiracy) and a guy who got only about (entire party collection) 30,000 votes was installed to replace 49,000,000 votes.

Of course almost 80% of the votes were rigged, in the latter epidode with power cuts helping to the shift ballot boxes  (counting was stopped by arbitrary means to ensure stuffing of the boxes where public officers participated in the crime).

Never believe the public servants in Ceylon, they are the ones who propagate shoddy deeds.

Nobody except perhaps 3 JVP guys deserve to be in the parliament and others were illegally elected.

So the only option is to dissolve this rouge government and hold elections which is legally enshrined in the constitution.

Of course, this current constitution should be revisited and abolishing of this post of presidency should be the first priority so these religious guys won't be able form parties and contest.

By doing so priests (tax exception when they contest) could be taxed of their illegal monetary possession including Cardinals.

In my case, I do not care any of these priests and monks, and  being a simple man, I do not despise them.

It is a human weakness and an inherent predicament in Ceylon.

It may take many decades to overhaul the system but somebody has to make a start.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

It looks like Russians Sympathizers are Helping Russian Undercover Operators in Ukraine

It is obvious the Russian Sympathizers who are fed up of War Mongering Zelensky are helping Russian Undercover Operators already in Ukraine.

Precise information about NATO operatives in Ukraine are relayed and verified by the Undercover Operators, even before they could settle down in war manoeuvres.

I think like minded Russian Sympathizers hate NATO boots on their soil as compared to Russians.

In spite of their well coordinated ammunition gathering and storing with Polish support, detailed movement of these big military equipment could be surveyed by aerial reconnesaince.

These equipment were stored in Poland years ahead and Polish are caught with their pants down.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Paliths Thewarapperuma, People's Politician

This Gentleman deserves a place in my blog site.

He was very close to people around him specially, the school kids.
He popularized a mid morning drink and a midday meal which he prepared himself.
Still kids come to school with empty stomach (with some tea perhaps).

This is to say there are still good politicians in Ceylon.

He has left us and unlike me he prefers to be born again in Ceylon.

Other guy, I like to note here is Indika Thotawatta who started as a astrological predictor who is trying to become a versatile philosopher.
Good Luck on him.

He got his astrological predictions wrong by predicting who would become the next president.

I wish astrological predictions become a dead science in Ceylon and the people focus on astronomy (5%) and the rest 95% of the dark matter and dark energy (not the putative Free Energy).

Friday, April 19, 2024

Is Globalists Agenda (I.M.F) crumbling?

Yes, the Globalist Agenda is Crumbling.
What General Gaddafi failed President Putin is reinvigorating by going for Gold as an asset exchange.
U.S.A does not have enough Gold as asset but I.M.F. user Dollar as an artificial equivalent through its Global Banking Institutions.
These Banks do not have collateral assets but Dept Investment in exchange of Gold.
This system is about to crumble due to unexpected expenditure in Ukraine War.
There only option is to print more dollars, the triggers of global collapse.
While dollar is depreciating Ruble is appreciating in spite of Russian Sanctions.
The exact opposite of the intended mechanism is happening.
EU is heading for a sudden collapse of it's monetary system, using debt as a Trap.
1. Debt
2. Exploitation.
3. Monetary Manipulation using Banking Cabal.
It creates money out of Thin Air as Debts and Artificial Asset Management of Oil Money.
Every Dollar deposited I.M.F. lends out many more multiples of debt.
In other words no developing country including India is Free of Collater Debts.
It is Monetary Mirage and only Gold or Silver is an asset.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

War of Attrition in Ukraine, The Misgivings

To begin with, let me say, Military Industrial Complex of America has a way to ignite one war after another to build up it's War Cabinets with trophies.

This piece is to highlight mistakes and misgivings on both sides.

This war should never have begun.

1. On the part of Russia, the biggest mistake was believing the West, specially USA, UK and France. 

Germany of course was double dealer from the very beginning.

2. The second mistake of Russia was labelling it as a Special Military Operation, instead of treating it as an Existential Threat, from the very beginning, while the West had dug in deep with military infrastructure to eliminate Putin and to destabilize Russia.

3. The third mistake was treating Ukraine as an equal partner.

4. The fourth mistake was believing in Dialoge and Diplomacy. 

There is no diplomacy in American War Cabinet except dominance and duplicity and President Biden is a born liar.

5. Fifth mistake was lack of preparation for a long protracted war with the EU and USA.

6. Lack of advance intelligence on the Ukraine side and trusting on what little intelligence they already had.

Having gone through the odds and misgivings Russia has evolved into truly magnificent War Machine, which the West cannot match for another decade.

Now the plus points.
1. Making it a War of Attrition and bringing fatigue on the Ukraine side.

2. Fortifying it defenses before any advance.

3. Minimizing the casualties on Russian side.

4. Reorganizing the whole military.

5. Ruling the sky.

6. Developing new war tacticis using drones and artificial intelligence.

7. Resolve to demilitarize Ukraine.

8. No NATO stance for Ukraine.

9. Drag the war until 2025 when the third wave of resistance could be neutralized.

10. Making alliance with China.

Regarding the Ukraine the mistakes are many.

1. First mistake was believing Boris Johnson and the West's unwavering support.

2. Disregarding it as a Proxy War candidate for the American M.I.C to benefit it's own coffers.

3. Treating all Russians as arch enemies.

4. Scuttling diplomacy.

5. Treating it as a War Game played on a computer.

6. Media hype and working according to CNN and Fox News.

7. Not being able protect it's infrastructure.

8. Not being able to Protect it's soldiers and using them as Cannon fodder.

9. Depleting it's war cabinet faster than it is replaced.

10. Asking to become an EU member.

11. Using mercineries (was a big mistake).

12. Dragging the war until 2025.

Plus point of Ukraine should be attributed to it's soldiers.

1. They are relentless and very courageous to take the mighty Russia.

2. Ability to keep morale in spite of great odds and losing almost 2 waves of combatants.

3. Keep their loses as a secret from it's citizens.

However, the reality of war is one side wins and the winners not only take all the trophies but dominate the loser in all aspects, including political, social, economic realities and more importantly the pride.

Ukraine has lost its pride and it's place in the modern world. 

No amount of money can bring the pride back.

It's trust on West will bomarang for many decades, currently as money loans that have to be paid back.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Is Free and Fair Election Impossible in Ceylon?

My gut reaction is "Free and Fair Election" is impossible in Ceylon as it stands today.

I am a Medical person and by default is not allowed to Visit and Investigate Election Fraud in Ceylon, since we are categorized as Essential Service Personnel.

We are barred from becoming  counting officers.

Except visiting to vote in person, I have no way of probing the Inherent Deficiencies in the Existing System.

I have No Trust in the Independent Observor Organizations.

They have only a superficial knowledge of the way the election process works in Ceylon.

1. The Election is conducted by the Civil Service which is corrupt to the core. 

The election officers (most of them have no prior experience to detect unlawful activities) are reshuffled to the advantage of the offenders.

Just getting a copy of a Birth Certificate is an uphill task without bribing somebody in the system.

The system has Unofficial Operating System from which one can get anything including a passport without visiting the office of concern.

Election Fraud occurs before, during and after the vote is counted. 

Even in United State some officers by design can manipulate the system including absentee ballot.

1. I think just before the boxes are sealed, ballot boxes are stuffed in with the help of the subordinates of the standing officer using the leftover ballots. 

In addition there is intimidation of the officers and police officers who take part in this process to avoid fraud.

Vulnerable stations are targeted by the contesting parties.

2. Ballot boxes can be changed and alternative boxes can sealed in mid air in transit. 

This happened during Premadasa and Chandrika Regime, especially the ballot boxes transferred by helicopters from the North and the East.

3. I think most of the offences happen when officers retire after a brief counting session. 
The reason is the delay of ballot boxes coming to counting center well past midnight.
I am of the belief counting should be done at the locality. 

A different office nearby can be designated and exact report should be validated by the regional counting officer.

We could have used the provincial council election to design a full proof system in the presence of the representatives (polling agents) of the partys' concerned.

I have no belief in computers and digital systems.

There should be a process of counter signing the obtained result on paper locally.

Digitalization can happen once paper documentation is finished.

4. Recounting requests should be thoroughly scrutinized to avoid delay.

If the result is in the range of statistically narrow margin this should be allowed in the first instance but not otherwise.

Any delay is prone to manipulation efforts.

There should be no haste in declaring results.

5. Election Commission is understaffed and more and more officers should be trained both volunteers and commissioned.

6. These actions should be done well before the election is declared in the so called waiting period.

7. If Election Commissioner makes meaningful actions more people would believe in the system and come to vote.

One must remember, this is in a country where most popular game of cricket elections are violated left, right and center.

8. In my part I have no intention of voting and  would stay away from Ceylon, in a foreign land where these mechanisms are well established and "in situ" and nobody questions the Final Result.

9. I have lost interest in preelection projections by various parties except the number who abstain and why do they abstain.

10. May be they have lost confidence in both the system and the parties.

Monday, April 15, 2024

British are the most Duplicit regarding the Palestine State

Yes, the British are the most Duplicit regarding the Palestine State.

They captured the Arab land for oil exploration from the crumbling Ottoman Empire (France and USA were accessories) in the First World War.

The Mandate was to create a Palatine State but they did the exact opposite thing by creating the Zionist State called Israel by just drawing a line on the Map of Arab Land.

The reality is the very Jewish Nation that suffered the Holocaust is causing Genocide on mostly Muslim Palestinians who were the rightful occupants of the Arab Land.

IRAN reacting to the current occupation by Zionist Regime is a historical event of unprecedented nature.

The Oppressor rising up when condition are right is a natural historical event for which the West cannot stomach in broad daylight.

We are bordering the World War III which may be the end of this planet with Nuclear Amargadom!

Only Scott Riiter and Douglan Mag Gregor ( both diehard Americans) stand on the right side of history!

Friday, April 12, 2024

Diplomacy, Duplicity, War and Nemesis

1. Diplomacy has gone to dogs.
2. Political Duplicity is the underline theme.
3. Money and Military Industrial Complex rule the World.
4. Proxy War in Ukraine is created to funnel the money to American M.I.C.
5. They never expected a nemesis in the name of President Putin.
6. Millions of civilians in Ukraine are displaced.
7. Tens of thousands of soldiers of Ukraine are either killed of maimed.
8. EU boots were and are on the ground of Ukraine from America, UK and France as mercineries.
9. Paid mercineries have no place in a conventional war.
10. Russia has turned it into a conventional war and their end point is Odessa.
11. Billions of American money was pilfered by corrupt regime in Ukraine.
12. No Audits under Democrats headed by senile Biden.
13. Regime change in America is on the card.
14. Republican have no resolve to end this Saga.
15. Tucker Carlson epitomises the Duplicity in American politics.
16. Dollar would gradually collapse.
17. BRICKS will eventually emerge but Indian and Chinese hegemony will disrupt the progress of BRICS.
18. Globally no complete recovery from the pandemic effects.
19. Chip industry is in total mess and banks in Silicon valley are collapsing.
20. When all these happening AI industry would take over the mankind.
21. When there are no visionary leaders that kind of AI catastrophe is inevitable.
22. Sorry part is neither mainline or alternative media is immune to the events unfolding, making a mockery of the Internet or the

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Macron is a total disaster

The current events make me to think in those lines. 
The above statement is a statement of facts.

He is a total disaster and he thinks bigger than his small stature in world politics.

He is with the the help of Cameron wishes a Nuclear War.

He is only a little Napoleon and it is time for him to Give Up and Retire.

Cameron is a spent force.

He is the ultimate Zelensky Curse.

Anything Zelensky touches burns and it is true for Macron.

By the way, Zelensky is Drug Addict and listening to a drug addict is the beginning of all disasters including a Nuclear War.

Zelensky's first request when he came into promimance was Nuclear Arsenal for Ukraine.

He is a Mad Hat, the sooner the World realizes, it is better for this planet.

Monday, April 1, 2024

C- Net to Zero Net

We did not have Internet in Kandy, 30 years ago. 
MobiTel was non existent and Dialog was born out of necessity but sold to Indians by our Moda Man and I am slowly dissociating from Dialog due to overcharge and incrementally poor service, wheas I am now supporting MobiTel (until it is sold to war winning Russians under President Putin. He will probably enter our domain certainly when NPP comes to power by default. 
It looks like it is a foregone conclusion due to poor UNP showing and SJB gibbering.
They are at logger head both in power and also out of power.
Regarding C-Net it's satellite disk is still in our rooftop garden and Dialoge Satellite by default is disconnected from its drive. 
It is in my wife's name and we get a letter trying to entice us (which I have not burned yet and it is in my wife's name -dare not destroy it until she comes home from overseas holiday and give them a call with a Big NO.
Yes I am Zero with all Televisions over 15 years and any one of them including Derana going bust is call for celebrations, in my case!

Ending My Rustic and Hectic Holiday in Ceylon

Yes, it was a rustic Holiday.
All my medical accessories including tables and ECG charts were gathering dust. 
(No medical practice for 25 years).

I used isopropyl alcohol to take the nasty fungus away.
Even tiny plastic bottle of isopropyl alcohol is over Rs.150/=.

Drinking alcohol has gone off the roof!

Ranil has no sense and sensibility, the string hoppers' treat (I had only once) which was 5 Ruppes a piece then and sufficient for a evening meal for 3 of of us (with lovely kiri hodi) for 100 Ruppes has gone up to Rs.30/= piece and (one can buy only three for 100) one has to pay separately for diluted kiri hodi.

He should be ousted by first choise.

He is either demented or gone bonkers by the high post he obtained by deceit.

I blame the Tamil and Muslims politicians for this tragedy (or comedy of errors) who supported him and elevated him to go bonkers by default.

Besides politics, I wake up with the birds singing and my garden is a paradise for all birds and in our absense of 6 months they were breeding (finer details in my book of birds) with glory. 

Even the timid greater cockerel is visiting my fish tank to eat tiny snails ("big ones" their delicacy is gone extinct).

The global warming is taking its effect.

Temperature is over 90 degrees day time and goes down  to 72 by 4AM which my favorite ambient temperature and I wash my underwear gone soke by the sweat.

I become dehydrated and eat raw salt to replenish lost salt. (Lime and lemon are cheap but I avoid them to protect my teeth).

I had one lime juice at Devon's and may be another today. 

The washed cloths are dry by mid day.

I use soap and water to clean my underwear and no industrial detergent for 2 months and ants the black ones my favorite are (the orange ones have invaded my rooftop garden due probably to global warming) increasing in numbers but slowly. 
My gut feeling is the black ones have changed colour to orange to dispel heat (this is a new theory of mine) and sun rays.

I am glad I leaving before auspicious New Year with the mighty Sun rising over my head and cracking it open (no grey matter left) for Pubic or Public View.

Only blessing is all my orchids are flouring including the palm flowers which is an ominous sign of death (in our absense) due to dry heat

I have one piece or sapling  of Wesak Orchid and it did not bloom for 40 years.

I had a fish Kottu at Rs.900/= as my last full meal with excess of chillies, I had many runs to the bathroom which I had lost count.

A good cuppa at Mesna Tea Center Kandy with lot of sugars which cured my Chillies Malady briskly.

No more Kottu for a long time.

This was my promise to my son. 

I told him I will have One Kottu on his behalf which cannot be accommodated in my luggage to Australia.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Stupidest Leader in EU is Macron

I have already said Macron is a disgrace to Francophone.
His logic and understanding of Global Affairs is zero to nothing.

This Little Megalomaniac is thinking beyond his limits. 
Both America and Germany have told him to shut up but he wants France to send 2000 to 20,000 boots on the ground in Ukraine.

There are over 300,000 well trained Russians ready to take EU boots.

Germany, France, Poland and UK have already sent mercineries to fight with Ukraine soldiers. 

It looks like already 2000 of French mercineries have bit the dust.

His plan is to sent 20,000 boots and expect a miracle.

Only other guy who is really amateurish is Justin Treaudo.

With a duel with Treaudo, Macron come as the stupidest and I have aborted my visit to Paris and wish to Stop at London. 
The so called, the most posperpus economy (UK) in the world (now without Russian gas) was good ONLY at busting two gas pipelines, with the help of Ukrainians.

I have no doubt and wonder that the King in Ceremonial Dress would settle these problems with absolute diplomatic touch.

What a World we are living in?

King authorizes the blasting of gas pipelined that brings gas from Russia.

He cannot say he did not know!

War Mongering is top priority for neocolonial guys and girls while the Western governments cannot provide energy at market price to the masses.

Gas prices are going up the roof!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Gut Reaction and First Opinion

It is simple logic that Kyav instigated the massacre in Moscow.
CIA has no assets in Russia and no country is 100% immune and Ceylon experienced this during internal violence.
ISIS is the red herring and CIA's only escape route.
That guy in Washington jumped the gun.
It provided, the Intelligence and AFU carried out the plot.
When one is loosing the War these types of moral boosters are used but it does nothing to the sagging moral of the hired Fancopones in Ukraine.
Fancopones are ousted in West Africa and Macron spinned a lie in desperation and the AFU's action shows it's desperation.
Trump will win and Macron will wet his pants.
This little Napoleon is a disgrace and I have aborted my aspiration to visit Paris but I will stop in London.
My visit to Moscow has to be delayed until Trump comes into power and restore some element of rusting diplomatic ties.
World without Russia is no go from it's outset.
Regime change in reverse would happen in America, instead.
Democratic Party in America and all British Parties in UK have lost their metle and Risi Sunak will be the latest Zelensky Curse.
Yes Zelensky is a curse to any diplomacy or democratic country.
Their band vagon is Nazi Bandeara outfit.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Running Democracy Wearing Nappies in Ceylon

I am a Medical guy and I never done a nappy on an adult though I was trained by British Nurses how to remove a dirty nappy and clean the perineum thoroughly so that the kid does not get nasty candidiasis.
In our case our Speaker of the House, I am told Wearing Nappies while conducting his duties.
I believe all those who voted in favour of him are also wearing nappies since many of them are over 70.
My grouse is these guys use public money to change nappies.
I have no objection they use a private nurse or Asiri Services so the Private Sector has a gift by way of services rendered to retired parliamentarians.
These guys should be retired by Force of  Statutory Requirement.
If I am made (hypothetical) the Speaker of any House, that is the first act I would enforce.
I have no conviction that young guys would perform better but at least give them a little room and retire without embarrassment to so called Democracy which is Dead in Ceylon.
We need a dramatic system change.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Ceylon's Universal Declaration or Sarva Loka Puttuwa

This is not about UNO's Declation but about Ceylon's Religious Formations.
If YOU go to a Buddhist Temple, You have all the Gods including Patthini and Hindu Gods.
If You go to a Hindu Kovil You have all the Pushpa Pooja to all the Hindu Gods and Other Gods and to Buddha,also.
If you go to a Muslim mosque all the other divinity are thrashed to the dustbin.
If You go to a Church You have all the denominations from Presbitarian to Roman Catholism.

We are Followers of Universal Faith or Sarva Loka Puttuwa.

This phrase comes from our school time, when the education stream was changed from English to Mother Tongue.
This was the translation for the Universal Joint or Sarva Loka Puttuwa.

It killed our Science Education.

In my formative years even though I come from a Buddhist family I did not have any religion except for respect for Buddha a supreme human being and not a god.

I should be categorised as an atheist but not a rationalist.

I now adopt a new concept called "Halima" dropping any trace of conformity.

This comes from the base of attachment or "Alima" and corresponding "Gatima" or Conflict.

This theme I apply to all politics and I have dropped all the local political conandrums by conviction.

Regarding Economy, I distinctly see that we cannot drop or escape from Chinese, Indian or USA involvement.

Time has come we need to Listen to President Putin and ask for a some form of redress since he won a thumping victory while crushing Ukraine Army to almost non existence.

It is now Macron's NATO boots on the ground that are going to get a pounding in six months before the US Presidential Election.

A Reset of Global affairs is on the card.

Ruble may Rule while dollar may collapse after the election.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Puppy Linux

Barry Kauler was the Puppy Linux creator.
He is a dog lover and retired soon after 64 bits came into existence.
There are guys who activated Puppy after Barry and 64 bit versions are available now.
I will update this piece later.

Ready for posting.
Go on!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Albino Tree Frog

This guy is early for the season and has become partially albino.

Tree Frog Revisiting but become an Albino

Yes Tree Frog revisited but has become an Albino.
She seems to have laid eggs and I doubt she would survive.
The same fate befall the tadpoles if I did not come back from Australia.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Worse Soup of My Life in Ceylon

I had few foreign soup packets and I am down to its last packet.
I went to ARPICO and had a lovely Sea Food Soup which used to be at Rs.240/= and I paid Rs.750/=. 
Chef identified me and made the usual without chillies.
So I went and bought 5 Ceylon Biscuits Ltd soup packets expecting it to be of the standard of it's busicuits (standard has gone down after coronavirus episode) BUT sadly not to be.
It was the worst soup of my life.
1. Its mushroom flavour was artificial and was awful.
2. It had one piece of mushroom.
3. It did not have the cream.
It said it had skimmed milk.
4. Corn flour base was raw and nasty.
I felt vomitish.
5. Cooking Instruction were inadequate.
6. Did not say raw or precooked 
7. Did not have Instruction for fault reporting of a particular batch.
8. Basically it lacked all the Quality Control Technology.
Product was cheap at Rs.200/= and that speaks volumes.
9. ARPICO prepared sea food soup was around Rs.800/= and I thought I could have four at home but mushroom flavour.
Mushroom is poisonous and a guy died eating mushroom in a motel in Australia (proven mushroom poisoning and prosecution is on).
Do not try eating at home prepared stuff.
After this episode I decided NOT to eat mushroom at all. It is claimed it has selenium but there are many alternatives including avocados.

I thought my preparation was at fault diluted the mixture and added some onion, tomato salt and green chillies but raw taste remained.

The brand name is Sera by CBL.

Stop eating all food items from this company except biscuits.

My advise is for them is to terminate this recipe and remain loyal to its busicuts fans.

Monday, March 4, 2024

MobiTel is Superb

I have had few issues with Dialog customer service. 

A male guy working in Dialog cheated me and used two of my SIMs and helped one of his friends to use my SIMs not in use. 

Worse is he used my current account card to pay his friend. 

When I noticed this I went again to Dialog and I recovered my disowned Sims.

He may have thought I was an overseas Ceylonese guy on holiday.
He was not on his desk, I guess he may have been a hired guy for the day.

Bottom line is, Dialog as a company (bought by an Indian Guy) is rotten.

I immediately went to MobiTel and payed for Wireless Internet and they fixed the line in two days.
I said no for Saturday (I was busy) and on Sunday they came and did an excellent job.
This is the first blog post using the new line.
MobiTel Fiber ONT is Superb and I have no hesitation recommending them.

Hutch is also a shoddy company. One Muslim guy stole one of my SiMs and he is still using it under my name. In spite of four visits they did not cancel that SIM.
I have decided to make a complaint in Kandy Police.
But my reservation is as rotten as it is the Police under this regime is having a holiday of its own.
No Action Talk Only or NATO show.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Becoming a Publisher Using Linux Utilities

Becoming a Publisher Using Linux Utilities

I have had a crash course of writing.
Four books after two year lapse and ideas not opinions flowing at a tremendous speed.

I have almost stopped blogging and if I do not sit down and write them, the very next day, I have forgotten all.

I use forgetting as a method of encouraging new ideas.

Ruminating on the same old opinion is not a good thing for a writer.
One gets bogged down mentally or mental block ensues.

I was down with myocarditis on the first dose of vaccination but thankfully my mental faculties remained intact and that made me to go through the rest I needed, since there is no treatment for myocarditis which may even end up in death.

Initially it was fear but then reality dawned on me that uncertainty principle in stock market will fit in nicely with life events as well.

It was not fatigue that made me to go into hibernation.
Having worked 24/7 schedule all my life as a medical person, I needed a long rest, especially because the demise of our dog Zimba put me down low.

He was wonderful companion and I may not write a book about him which was more personal agony than glory.

(In fact I have written a book about three Ceylonese -afterlife- dogs and all three now are in Heaven and one as the Maha Brahma's assistant)

This book will be published soon when I go back to Ceylon for a break.

I have for the past 20 years, dissociated with medical activities and I pretend that I was a PhD guy and not a proper medical guy. 

Having worked my last years in the university, that ploy worked very well for me and gave me time for blogging, if not writing.

The corona virus pandemic was the correct antidote and I stopped drinking and loitering in the city, aimlessly in book shops, the coffee and tea shops which were mushrooming in a tiny city of Kandy for foreign tourists.

Unfortunately my classmates are either living on medical drugs and are deprived of alcohol due to their medication or have become alcoholic addicts.

I hate the cellphone and have almost switched off the land phone for good.

The telephone only brings bad news, never good and the rest is gossip.

That made me to write pretty or petty books on alcohol, publishing of books, fact files void of fat, mother nature and about 30 unique guys I, have met in my life including guys doing gem business, union activities, loafing, mountaineering, fishing, vendors, farmers, jokers, petty office assistants, librarians, sportsmen and many more.

Unlike the young days my memory is failing and I have to jot down ideas, in a tiny note book, which I found in New Zealand 30:years ago. and never used but kept it like a souvenir.

I did not bring this book to Australia and I am going back to collect it and enlarge upon the ideas jotted down.

 It has all the passwords recorded for posterity.

It has come handy and me forgetting PIN numbers of all the bank accounts made me to write down all the lengthy passwords for my email, except one email (which I remember well due to frequent use), I have forgotten all the other passwords.

I cannot log into CreateSpace account with one email which I have many books published.

Even though, I can some how get to my email by circuitous methods, I cannot get to the bookshelf of mine at CreateSpace.

Finally, I got round of that hurdle and here I am publishing again.

I begin to hate digital books with ugly black and white typeface.

For a long time I used Google's fonts with color to add color to my blog pieces.

I have resisted buying a Kindle and my tablet battery has gone dead and it cannot be replaced.

I have collected quite a number of Nokia cellphones and a tiny  cellphone (this I have disposed) for calls for Taxi or sending SMS and had a problem with responding to the Amazon's text messages for verification of my book page.

I have many SIM cards (15 in number, I guess a CIA guy do not have that many) for my various activities and have to use at least two of them to coordinate my writings.

The keyboard is a problem and cursor point of the mouse jumps recklessly to unwanted places and editing correction to this entry took more than an hour.

Thank You Amazon, the spell checker did a good job highlighting the mistakes.

Life is getting complicated and paranoid in this modern age,

The pandemic has made lot of guy/girls becoming paranoid.

It is not an evolutionary trend but a bizarre  malady of  modern age!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Basic Needs of a Computer User can be Packed in 800MB of Puppy Linux-Vanilla Pup 9.3.3

Well, well, I did clean Install of Vanilla Pup in my hard disk using 512MB of space.

This was something I used to do ages ago (now forgotten) but I followed the instructions and within 30 minutes my 4GB USB can be removed and any thing I do will be saved on the 38GB Fat 32 Partition.

I used my name for the sfs file which is 532MB the size of the EFI partition in this computer.

This USB stick has all the Puppy Linux distribution Isos and other Linux distributions that I have downloaded to Test.

Yes, miracles can happen with Puppy Linux!

I am glad to hear Barry Kauler is active in developing three wheeler Moped (it is not the correct phrase).

What is good about Puppy is (this an old edition) it mounts all your hard disks partitions at boot time.

It does not do any damage at all to rest of the partitions.

The basic steps in  System can be enumerated in 10 Steps.

 1. File Manager (lot of names for this)

2. Terminal emulator (many in existence to command line instructions)

3. Process Viewer

4. Default Browser, usually Firefox

5.  Default Text editor for coding

6. Default Paint Program

7. Default Word Processor usually AbiWord or LibreOffice.

8. Puppy Setup

9. Edit Tray

10. Help

11. Eleven is Exit

All this can be done on RAM and if you are happy YOU can install it. 

That is what I did today.

We are all at Sea when Clouding

 We are all at Sea when Clouding

Even though I am very supportive of Cloud Computing as a concept and also would not like to be negative in response at least in the early stages of implementation, I have at least 3 reservations.

It is time for me to pen them now since necessary precautions can be implemented from the very beginning of its general use.

1. Number one is as regard to children 

With a Google Chrome OS children are given license to browse the internet without supervision or safeguards.  This is the same reservation I raised with Linux for Kids live CDs. 

These educational Live Linux CDs let one browse the internet without any record or a trace of the places browsed in the internet.

2. If that is not bad enough the children lose their identity or the identity may be hijacked and children could be lured using word like play and fun. 

Somebody else (not the adults intended) may use netbook (in this case a child) under the pretext of the owner, who is an adult.

3. The data that is stored outside of the personal computer even though encrypted can be used for commercial activities and government can access them under the pretext of security and one loses the privacy.

These three points alone should be deterrents for children to have netbooks without parental and or teacher control.

When  we design Cloud Computer Atmosphere that should be within intranet not widely link to the internet as primary precaution in school environment.

Arkane Linux

 Arkane Linux

Arkane Linux is an Arch based distribution.

Unlike ArcoLinux which I have a copy installed its its installer is bit dicey, so I did not try installing it.

It probably wants to take over the hard disk.

However, included application does not have even Gparted. 

I am going back to GostBSD as my carry over USB distribution since I know it can boot by old Laptop in an emergency. 

Paranoia and

 Paranoia and

This regarding an incident with British Council Library in Kandy.

The center is there teaching English but Library is no more.

They (my blog pieces at were bit humorous and the basic ingredients were satire.

Incidentally Google has gone parnoid if one writes alternative view about "Coronavirus Saga".

Unedited part is below.

Unfortunately for me, out of the top ten, my writings (I was involved in initial setup) filled the top eight and the administrator got paranoid and blocked my name.

I still continued to write (very little traffic) in spite of noticing the administrators handiwork, since my idea was not to reach the top ten.

They used my birthday as a discriminator.

Who says there is no discrimination in web hosting and social media.

But my writings were there for anybody to read in spite of blocking the rating.

I have collated them and recently deleted 75% of the original writings from that site.

Some of them are now in digital output for posterity, in a book form.

This preamble is necessary since when one opens one’s heart and not the mind in the Web, one has to be prepared for insults and discrimination.

Sadly now governments and secret agencies are doing things that one would not suspect 30 years ago.

Technocrats and not the real hard working guys who fill these posts and operating from air conditioned cubicles and are scared to be on the beat and foot.

Invariably paranoia develops.

So I think it is necessary to have a bit of paranoia when one enters the Web with email to begin with.

The instruction for good password is in another piece!

How does one have a good password?

How one can remember a password with 14 to 16 characters (what banks employ now for an

account, with the help of computers)?

To begin with one has to train the brain to remember.

I have a suggestion elsewhere (under web etiquette) that I do not want to repeat here.