Monday, December 18, 2023

Protecting Maternal Rights

Mothers are vulnerable in any society. Having said that some mothers may even kill their babies. It is often the father who becomes brutal.

1. Mothers have the right to refuse pregnancy.

2. Mothers should have the right to decide how many children they would bear.

3. Right to termination of pregnancy is a dicey topic.
It involves many factors.

I consider it as killing of an innocent life what ever the period of gestation.

4. Family planning is a nice term but often a difficult task.

5. I say children are born by accident.

First child is often wanted.
One does all the mistakes with the first child.
He or she is often lighter in weight.

The second child is generally planned but often another accident.

One does less mistakes with the second child but he or she has to share old toys. Second born children are often remain tolerant of the first.

Sibling rivalry starts in school age.

6. Many parents go nutty with the third child.

I will leave it, at that.

7. Fourth child is a numerical number.

I was born 4th.

Because I was a number in the family, I had the freedom of choice.

Parents were too busy dealing with the first three.

That may be the reason I have become a free thinker.

Religion, race, caste, creed and power do not affect my thinking.

Bit dominant in outlook in a crowd but tolerant and considerate.

Waiting in a queue (waited for the plate of rice at home but never ate left overs) was a natural behaviour.

8. Any number above 5 irrespective of the sex become gangsters.

Ranatunge family is a good example.

9. In big family either mother becomes a slave or a mafia boss.

Ma Baker is an excellent example.

10. My mother lived to ripe old age of nineties but in the last two years she slept a lot without sedatives.

She even forgot the days.

11. I think I should kick the bucket by 80 but earlier, if I become demented and forgetful.

My current pastime is sleeping without dreams.

Yesterday I woke up in a dream.

I missed the train from Kandy to Colombo.
I had a reserved ticket and the panic in my dream was due to the lost reservation seat.

12. I am booking a Reservation Ticket to my next life but it is a very small ticket not like an
Australian Digital VISA Form.

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