Tuesday, June 27, 2023

My Idea of Recyling

Recycling is a good concept.

But this piece basically is satire.

1. Recycling War is a Big Industry of USA. 

MIC, Deep State, Ukraine and Blackrock are only namesakes.

The irresistible idea is after the war of destruction, a steady stream of construction is mandatory. 

Same instruments of power change their names and start the new projects. 

I did a rough study. 

There are 13,500 cities to be destroyed.

One assumes a powerful War Head destroys one city.

I gather there are 15,000 war heads.

That means after the total destruction of current civilization there are1500 war heads  left idling.

What next? 

Wise guys like Elon Musk (assuming he is alive and well in a spacecraft) will then conspire to stockpile them on the moon for a future war on space with aliens. 

Beautiful idea of recycling.

3. Recycling Film Industry
Holywood and Bollywood are classic examples.
Same stories regurgitate but with a new caste.

4. Recycling of Computer Hardware.
My Linux Network was built on computers discarded from the West.
I did not have money but this option kept me occupied for decades.
But when the electricity bill went up I discarded all and went for the NUC (vocalized as Nuclear) or NUKE.

5. Recycling Dogs.
When the owners could not care dogs went to the doghouse.
It is bit pathetic but those who adopt them are real humans.

6. Recycling political parties and ideas.
This is in Ceylonese genes.

No new ideas come to surface but we are bankrupt for 60 years.

7. Recycling wives and husbands could be a lucrative industry.
I leave it at that.

8. Recycling new ideas.
There is paucity of ideas.

9. Recycling Life or Rebirth.
Read my books on Rebirth at Amazon books.

10. Recycling Physics

The original idea was how to recycle physics theories.

Nine above are for general consumption.

I am a guy interested in physics.
I do not like the old idea of fueling a rocket to the moon.

It is a bad idea by itself.

We lifted payloads to moon from1969 to 1970s.

Nothing afterward and the technology was lost in the meantime.
That's how the story goes.

I was one who never believed that America went to the moon on the first attempt.
The rocker technology was primitive and payload was pretty high.

I think they recycled the black and white film too often, to make one believes it was a fake.

I think only Russians know this well and decided to save their well trained pilots for future warfare.
Instead, they spent their money on War Heads.
That is paying dividends.

The old technology was good for warfare and not for intergalactic travel.

Gravity propulsion and gravity amplification of Bob Lazar credence is one way to solve this problem.

There ought to be other possibilities.

I tend to believe one cannot have any empty space in the universe.

Space is a feasible preposition but emptiness (space in between) is redundant.

There are forces that we cannot observe with  our own eyes or the instruments which we have now, cannot measure them in real time.

Space is always occupied by energy of some sort.

Forces however subtle do not remain static in one place or remain stable for long period of time for us to observe them critically.

Everything is in a flux and seeing them as not moving static objects is the biggest delusion of mankind.

Photographic event has no meaning.
It is in past (event).

Video images are delusions of how many frames per second.
More the frames per second in a game console more the excitement for the game addict.

Delusion of grandier while the whole universe is moving at an accelerated pace.

Time, pace and space are illusions of great comfort to mankind.

Even physics cannot explain the reality.

It is only a snapshot of the past.

Light has travelled towards us while the rest of the universe  is moving away from us.

We will never observe the totality of the universe in real time.

We see only the past.

We only have a glimpse of the past.

Past has no meaning.
Future has not come yet.

Be happy of this moment of illusion is my physics theory for the mankind of today.

Somanassa Chitta.

Happy or beautiful mind is a solace for this moment.

Think beautiful is my game plan even at adversity.

11. Recycling of Faked News.

For the sake of completeness, I have to add this category to state how medical fraternity of CDC manufactured Coronavirus Saga. Not only politicians the top scientists also can lie.
Throw money at them, fact become fiction and fiction become reality.

Read my book on Coronavirus how events unfolded.

This ends my recycling episode of satire. 

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