Saturday, November 19, 2022

Corona Virus Saga and Vaccine Deaths Under Biden's Administration

Corona Virus Saga and Vaccine Deaths Under Biden's Administration

This is something CNN and Dr. Sanjaya Gupta failed to address (WHO and U.N.O bosses are diverting attention on Environmental Issues to avoid liability).

1. Lots of children under five who had the faulty vaccine are dying in USA and UK and they are trying to cover it up with the coincidental Respiratory Syncytial Virus which is fatal to Premature or S.C.I.U babies (in my experience in the old days), not any child under 5.

2. In USA and UK, lot of the elderly over 65 years who had the faulty vaccine are dying prematurely.

One PM  of UK was known to have said, that it is OK, only the old guys are dying and less expenses for the N.H.S.

3. The Emergency Use Authorization was used by big Pharma companies to bypass the normal safety protocols.

Biden administration who came to power in the backdrop of CDC chairman's shoddy deals (Undermining even President Trump's Presidential powers with sarcasm) is responsible for the millions of deaths due to the Faulty Vaccine that could have been prevented if proper field trials were allowed.

I almost kicked the bucket (myocarditis) due to the faulty vaccine but still have skeletal muscle effects 2 years after (it effects the skeletal muscles, even lifting a bucket of water is a strain for my arms).

Fortunately it did not effect my higher centers and my fingers are working properly (especially because of the frequent use of the keyboard) to blog a piece almost on daily basis until my data package is over.

Shifting the blame to old age phenomena and alcohol is also a bizarre diversion tactic.

These are the very same people who voted for the democratic party who are dying in record numbers and Republican Party should be happy and wise to wait for two years for more of the Democratic Voters to die including some old codgers in the Senate.

In Ceylon lot of elderly died due to vaccination (thankfully children were not given the vaccine) program and the regime was ousted.

But "Kaputa and Kerala Regime" is running the show and they even fear to hold provincial elections.

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