Saturday, October 1, 2022


It is time for me to revisit my medical career 22 years after calling it off for good.

First of all, tribute to all my batch mates living and left us in good time, long before the pandemic.

My batch had a few bad eggs some  of them were 8 years older to me.

I am not the youngest but one of the five youngest in the batch.

Credit to all my younger colleagues who organized the 50th anniversary of our entry into the University of Peradeniya.

Except the few old bad eggs the rest of my batch mates were Iconic in their own fields of expertise.

Unfortunately Peradeniya University has gone into abyss simply due to Area Based Admission which did irreversible damage to our Northern Friends and finally to the protracted 35 year old ethnic war in Ceylon.

Ill feeling are still simmering but it is time to reflect the good things of the past and forget the few bad eggs which spoiled the soup.

Changing into a different dimension;

This is just a reminder to Russia and Ukraine and they should not be a part to CIA and Neocolonial Propaganda.

It is time for amicable arrangement but unless X-ekensky is taken out of the equation it won't happen.

He is a virtual curse and in Buddha's Term Maraya's living Incarnation.

Russia is a great cultural nation one should not try to wipe it out of modern history.

I do not mind American, especially the democratic hegemony getting wiped out and a responsive conservative or republican government coming to power.

It is inevitable.

Besides politics, coming to POMR and EBM.

EBM or evidenced based medicine is dead.

Reason I do not know.

Most likely in real time, gut reaction, a better term ESP or extra sensory perception should be given a chance to operate and save a life in real time.

I have used this technique, a few times in my life and it really works when nothing in medical field works.

PMOR is simple Problem oriented medical records.

It has two components;

1. Back going problems of no current consequences.

2. On going problems one has to be cognizant.

3. There is no futuristic or stock market projections in Medicine.

It is either current or nonexistent (imagined).

This imagined part belongs to the patients and it is matter of how long one can kick on or better still kick the bucket for good for our planet to recover in real time which is over populated by old humans.

The young should be given adequate space and freedom to breath in new ideas.

As a medical person me pathological, out of date or after the fact determination or NADA the Forensic Expert with current expertise one has to balance the judgement and not be paranoid, at all.

Paranoia (partly futuristic) is an untreatable disease.

Live this moment with Metta and happiness of Upekka (? equanimity is the closest rendering of this Pali term).

Metta is powerful by itself.

My interests are not medical but pure physics and beyond the event horizon and nanotechnology.

But that episode is in 3 months in January 2023 not now but before that I will send a Christmas or New Year card to all who send me the current address.

Regards to Upekka,
It is not forgetting but current feeling with empathy.

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