Sunday, May 15, 2022

Conspiracies in Science, Religion and Politics

Below is an introduction I have written on the front cover of one of my many books.

I think current War in Ukiraine is the manifestation of WIN or War Machine of America.

Ukraine president is working like a CIA agent.

I have no intention of writing a book on War in Ukraine but I will bet my bottom dollar that more books will be written about it hiding all the underlying facts.

I advice the reader to read the book by Jared Diamond "guns, germs and steel"


It is strange that in America more people are dying due to Corona Virus and they are short even for baby milk in America.


Conspiracies in Science, Religion and Politics 

Internet of things is taking us to uncharted territory.

I adore its freedom, anybody with proper portal could voice his or her opinion without hindrance. There is no peer review or scrutiny. If properly used it can be a haven (not heaven) but it can be a place for raging fire/war.

The secrecy, misinformation and conspiracy are commoner garden occurrence in the corporate world. I believe conspirators have even penetrated this democratic institution. I could not find a solution to this conspiracy even in the major religions. Linux with its copy-left and sharing philosophy, has become an antithesis to this grand design. I have used this philosophy as a counter thesis to misinformation and conspiracy. This world has produced lot of nice people. I have illustrated only a few of them.

The conspiracy should be sunk at all costs.

Like a lotus that flower above muddy bottoms, we should do all what we could do to bring the truth to the surface.

Why in book form?

Internet is fluid, superficial and the contents “Go” by the “Number of Hits”, status by nature. In a book one can delve in deeper.

I have to make a confession.

I have not “fact checked” most of the claims made by certain authors. In conspiracy or speculation, “fact checking” is humanly impossible. Errors are built into the system by repetition and the difference between “fact” and “fiction” becomes almost imperceptible.

In this scenario conspiracy thrives.

I am one who is averse to lies or deception.

I want scientists to be “bona fide” true gentleman / lady and when I find so called scientists, deliberately lie for some personal or corporate gains, it is obnoxious.

Unfortunately, I have seen doctors working in alliance with representative from pharmaceutical companies, use lies, deception, partial disclosure of side effects and exaggerating flimsy benefits. Having made unwitting entry into fields foreign to my own, as a preparation for this book, now I am convinced conspiracy in theory is universal, an Achilles tendon to scientific verification.

Wikipedia had been a major source and I am thankful to all those who contribute to Wikipedia.

But any errors of commission or omission are all mine.

I have placed many personalities in this book not knowing their direct or indirect contribution to either science or conspiracy. I had no personal choices, in the selections made, in this exercise and I may have inadvertently, left out many important personalities.

I present this book to those personalities left out unwittingly, but nevertheless, suffered ridicule and reprimand for their genuine interest and dedication in seeking the truth. I hope this book is an inspiration for those who seek transparency in science, governance and politics.

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