Dismantling Security without proper (take Israel as an example) analysis is STUPID to say the least which was infested with Three Armed Struggles in the past.
I do not think Ranil who is a guy who wants to restrict service sector to the lowest and promote private sector would like to have a small army protecting him when things go bad (it certainly will go bad to N.J.V.P/J.V.P Combo).
I will make a few predictions before the main poece.
This has to done now not TWO Years Later (T.Y.L.).
1. Current Government will be the worst and the most unpopular, in our living memory.
Country would be divied into many small and big pieces.
A piece of cake for Americans.
It is supposed that an American Official woman has "Ceylon" tattooed on her thigh.
That is how they belittle smaller nations in the past.
2. Our Security Apparatus would be dismantled for good.
Cannot secure even the Court of Residence when sessions were running.
On that background he is reducing the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Police Force.
My belief is except perhaps Army our services are under funded including Police for civilian actuvities. Grama Niladharis fill in the gaps for Police.
Look at Israel Air Force and Navy, for comparison, a country which is smaller and is not surrounded by sea.
That is why I am saying these guys are totally ametuerist in display of their brains.
Secret (local mafioso) army is emboldened by this proclamation.
3. Education system and Free Education is at peril.
Private Universities and Private Schools would blossom.
4. Regarding Buddhism and our culture I have already evaluated, here.
My gut feeling is these guys are terrorist by nature and they have not lost that attitude to life. What cannot be persuaded could be brought by force or coersion.
In the past, I said over many times our citizens are stupid. They have price it by giving 2/3rd majority.
In Ceylon they (I do not mean J.V.P.) have killed guys for a loaf of bread.
That happened near my house where I went to buy bread.
The guys son who is a Muslim guy is a Three Wheeler driver, now.
We are a volatile nation and that was why I was against "Dalada Exposition".
Tiny incident might explode.
Ranil is behind and plotting till his death.
If they created a private army (disrupting the main security apparatus) I won't be surprised.
India and RAW would be the beneficiary and would not stop clapping hands, as in a cricket match.
Game Over for Ceylon.
The security of the country is at peril.
Removing any sense of Culture in Ceylon is not their purgatory.
These guys are culture vultures in 1971 and 1987.
Their way is killing the opposition ideas with the opposition members.
I do not think this happened in either Russia or China.
1971 was supposed to be helped by North Korea.
1987 was supported by RAW of India.
Both were destructive to public utilities including Electric Transformers. I was involved in getting 3 new transformers to Electricity Substation (Two were blasted before and I said I would not go for the fourth) near Peradeniya Station.
It was a collosal destructive force.
For this substation mentioned (was moved to a place near Eriyagama with adequate security), with the help of my Engineer friends I got them replaced while JVP was making meyhem thoughtout the country. Mind you Peradeniya Station was the link to the Upcountry. There is a big Petroleum Filling station there and for some reason the bomb plastic if the substation would have created a hovoc. If I remember right, Undergraduate University (I opposed and was against University by laws and no Dhana in any case) monk resided there on the top of the hill bifering the railway station.
What I knew was they all were all J.V.P. sympathizers.
I was working in the University then.
I of course posted all these incidents in this blog post and removed them 48 hours before the election.
My prediction was 45% for JVP and I explicitly said do not vote for second choice. J.V.P. got 44%.
I haven't got wrong in my political for over 45 years. As a doctor I could sense political climate well in advance and no formal surveys.
I opposed JVP in 1971 as a medical student. Some medical guys helped.
1. Disrupting Education in number one.
Current Pubudu Jagoda and union lead by saffron clothed guys is another.
2. Destabilize the established security system just like LTTE. My belief is L.T.T.E. got the inspiration and the idea to divide the country from J.V.P.
There was a guy near our house who was a J.V.P. guy who went to Jaffna to coordinate activities with L.T.T.E. He never returned and who killed is open to discussion.
Either L.T.T.E. or Army.
The point, I am driving at is they had a close relationship with L.T.T.E and writing a piece of land to L.T.T.E. outright (not the lands of private citizens) is a piece of cake for them.
3. Disrupting the current Security Apparatus and establishing their own army.
They have the armed cadre even though old. They know with time to come they become extremely unpopular.
YouTube guys are trying hard to keep their popularity high.
They want to remain in power indefinitely.
Absolutely "No Belief" in democracy.
In the parliamentary election they won by preventing opposing party guys voting by subtle intimidation.
That was there way in the University Elections.
4. Ultimately these ametuerist D.J.V.P/J.V.P guys and girls would make our August Assembly big SORE SPOT of the country.
It will be no different than the provincial "Lida Langa Kathawa" or the Gossips at the "Public Bathing Spot".
Naming individual characters would give them more and undue publicity.
Their job is to get on with the job and get us out of poverty and avoid repeating the already wasted rhetoric.
That is the very reason the guys who abuse our system for a single family are bold enough to crack jokes on them including Wira Wansa.
List of Ametuerist Activities
1. Cannot prepare a gazette notification.
2. Held a Cabinet Meeting (two guys) without having the parliament in sessions.
Did not call on sessions which was outright violation of the constitution.
3. Signed many treaties with India.
They were never made public and they were not presented to their own party members or the parliament.
Those should be regarded as private treaties and the said individual is solely responsible for those actions, if called against the judiciary in future for verifications.
4. Cannot prepare proper parliamentary bill.
5. Speaker issue
??? Which we do not know or in public domain.
Who drafted the budget (May be Central Banker with Ranil's help).
I said this guy is having Pani (honey) or traste of power while actually seeing 3 deaths in front of him.
The three deaths are;
a) Ranil with his IMF draft.
b) Promises dished out which cannot be fulfilled
c) Absolute Majority and they could not fail the cadre by design.
This is an adaptation of a Dhammpada Verse.
Loba Greed
Dosa Hate
Moha Delusion
The guy who is facing these challenge is our President.
I would be proven correct before my demise.
I said this is the worse time to Govern and waiting in the opposition is the best.
This part is difficulty to predict since like Sirimavo and N.M. who extended the parliament and made a mockery of the British Democratic System, these guys with 2/3rd majority would fiddle with the constitution without a referendum being placed against the public.
Any absurd thing like Aragalaya can happen in Ceylon without a proper system change which people wished at the beginning.
Kumar David who was in Los Angeles would have done a better piece.
He is no more.
I always wonder why Buddhist Monks want to go to Parliament before Nirvana.
Perhaps, that is the only place which has all the luxeries better than in a temple and one need to have to work for the entire duration and one gets a pension, too.
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