Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Gods, Devas and Deities

 Gods, Devas and Deities

 This is a reproduction.

I was more than surprised, today.

They say prayers are very well heard but
never acted upon by the deities.

The simple fact is, those deities
are impotent never omnipotent as it is believed.

Come to plant life, they are multi-potent, only if you care them with respect and living space.

Long before (I must say I did not have the premonition or the prediction power) the inclement weather, I looked at the sky (cloud watching was a pastime of mine) and saw the clouds turning in opposite direction (this is what our yesteryear farmers did) and did a quick overall of my rooftop garden expecting a rainy spell.

Five plants (mostly not local) succumbed during the dry spell.

One coffee plant, one cocoa plant (again foreign species thanks to British), two Karapincha (Thailand) with full of aroma and one white sandalwood plant perished.

I always buy two specimens expecting this scenario.

If both specimens die, I won't buy them again.

One other reason is that the plant vendors in Ceylon in public auction only sell the dormant or diseased plants (heavily spayed with chemicals, to last the sale period).


These plants are for the shade of my water plants.

Even finch would build nests, if I do not (masterly inactivity on my part, let the weather takes it toll) visit them and let them go to wilderness.

My bio-indicator of the dry spell is the pipal or the Bo trees picked up from crow droppings.

They start dropping their leaves, and the roots go in search for scarce water.

Apart from my cascading arrangement of water plants other arrangement of the small
piloted plot is, on one end there is simulated wet zone and on the other end there is dry zone.

The pipal plants occupy the dry zone.

In the beginning without any agricultural or academic training (I am a simple biologist) I started it as a simple roof top laboratory.

I drop a stem of pineapple or a pipal tree (selected and picked up by me in any gutter in the Kandy city) in between pots of water plants.

To see how they stand the awful weather without watering but sparingly water them, if I feel they are in their "end of the tether".

From plant experimenter to a plant lover I have graduated in 15 years.

I must say, I have no financial interests and abhor selling plants.

The simple love for caring for them.
Now the caring for them comes not from me.

The tiny honey wild bee (not the BIG BEE) is the number one.

The dragon flies invest their genetic pool amongst the water plants.

The butterflies are plenty.

Except for ladybirds (haven't seen them for four decades).

I have a water plant which very rarely display (may be three years ago) its beautiful flower.
I found it a rightful place and today it had a single flower.

That excitement was pitched up by a single red dragon fly on the dried up sandalwood tree (which was transferred to the wet zone recently and is beginning to sprout young shoots).

I decided to take some pictures.

There were three water lilies with flowers.

Mind you, I never wished for any of these to happen.

The plants sensed and coordinated their activities to interact with simple wild beings which we call insects and spray Baygon on them.

Now that I am in Australia this roof top garden is completely destroyed.

Who needs gods or deities to entertain?

Mind you I hate people who pluck flowers and lay on altars (for not seen or NOT to be seen gods) as offers for gods.

The gods have contributed nothing to their well being!

Interestingly there is a cake shop called "Divine"  in the Kandy City.

I have decided never to go there! 

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