Sunday, March 24, 2024

Running Democracy Wearing Nappies in Ceylon

I am a Medical guy and I never done a nappy on an adult though I was trained by British Nurses how to remove a dirty nappy and clean the perineum thoroughly so that the kid does not get nasty candidiasis.
In our case our Speaker of the House, I am told Wearing Nappies while conducting his duties.
I believe all those who voted in favour of him are also wearing nappies since many of them are over 70.
My grouse is these guys use public money to change nappies.
I have no objection they use a private nurse or Asiri Services so the Private Sector has a gift by way of services rendered to retired parliamentarians.
These guys should be retired by Force of  Statutory Requirement.
If I am made (hypothetical) the Speaker of any House, that is the first act I would enforce.
I have no conviction that young guys would perform better but at least give them a little room and retire without embarrassment to so called Democracy which is Dead in Ceylon.
We need a dramatic system change.