Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Priests, Monks and Their Operatives

When priests, monks and their followers take up politics, they become liability and failure.

They become pawns of the system from which they cannot escape or shed responsibility of initiating a new problem.

One can write a book on this issues regarding Ceylon but this piece is only an eye opener.

The current situation started with Somara obliging to kill a politician which he could not but Ozie Corea did the finishing touches. 

Mind you, there was a Buddhist monk living with a female minister during these activities and he was called Buddharakkita.

Coming to recent events Soma Thera who was planing to contest Presidential Election and was eliminated in Russia under suspicious circumstances.

It did not end there but Bodu Bala Sena or infamously called B.B.S. whose current leader is in prison on political grounds.

I have no sympathy on this guy but the way he was incarcerated  was similar to how Ranjan Ramanayake was send to prison and released with a gag order later.

Then there is another one called Sobitha who has the same disease becoming the number one political figure in Ceylon. 

His organization is an offshoot of BBS but not very different and Champika is financing it.

By the way, according to Code of Conduct, Buddhist monks are prevented from taking part in politics and they have to derobe before entering politics.

Then Cardinals getting involved in this Saga is as bad as guys mentioned above.

These Cardinal guys hatched a plot to oust Gotabaya (his family members were in the plot) which was undemocratic to say the least.

Of  course, these Cardinals even a hatch plot to oust Pope in Rome with the help of Mafia and one Pope was poisoned.

These Cardinals wish to take up politics they should derobe to begin with.

They are all crooks in the system.

Regarding Muslim priests, I have very little knowledge except Sunni and Shia Muslims kill each other, on the name of their Gods.

These Muslims were instrumental in Mirihana incident which went out of control since there was another big plot to remove Gotabaya.

I think in the bigger plot, India (RAW), USA (basically C.I.A) and indirectly China were participants to oust a legally installed government (conspiracy) and a guy who got only about (entire party collection) 30,000 votes was installed to replace 49,000,000 votes.

Of course almost 80% of the votes were rigged, in the latter epidode with power cuts helping to the shift ballot boxes  (counting was stopped by arbitrary means to ensure stuffing of the boxes where public officers participated in the crime).

Never believe the public servants in Ceylon, they are the ones who propagate shoddy deeds.

Nobody except perhaps 3 JVP guys deserve to be in the parliament and others were illegally elected.

So the only option is to dissolve this rouge government and hold elections which is legally enshrined in the constitution.

Of course, this current constitution should be revisited and abolishing of this post of presidency should be the first priority so these religious guys won't be able form parties and contest.

By doing so priests (tax exception when they contest) could be taxed of their illegal monetary possession including Cardinals.

In my case, I do not care any of these priests and monks, and  being a simple man, I do not despise them.

It is a human weakness and an inherent predicament in Ceylon.

It may take many decades to overhaul the system but somebody has to make a start.