Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Anthrophobia, Androphobia and Power Clan (JUNTA)

I am not a political scientist but a political analyst (I see the trends as in Statistics).

Dr. Dayan Jayathilka is a political scientist.

A guy who has read Dr.Dayan has presented YouTube discussion in Sinhala.

This is a brief summary of that presentation  in English.

My belief was that the Coronavirus Pandemic was a natural event but this guy discusses it as a global conspiracy.

Conspiracy theorist can question any global event!

When we listen to Bill Gates who wants the global population to be reduced by 96% so that white supremacist, rest of 4% neocolonial "jim band" of the right wing Nationalists would  dominate the world.

Far Right Populism.

I have realized this for a long time and their first aim was to destroy Russia.

It failed and now the Middle East Conflict is an extension of this Military Industrial Conglomerate Action Plan.

Next stage is Taiwan and China.
It is temporarily on hold due to next American Presidential Election.

CIA plan is on a Wet Wicket since JFK murder plan is exposed and doctors on death bed are giving evidence to the contrary of Warren Commission's conclusions.

It is called dying deposition in medical parlance.

I am of the opinion Americans never went to the moon.

Bart Sibret has questioned it.

See his films and web displays.

Coming back to this Charmera Guy.

Master Plan

Master plan is to induce Political Insensitivity in the general public.

This is what it is and one cannot change it scenario is built in the public conscience.

1. Pandemic death is passed as natural event.

Vaccine induced deaths over 20 million is passed as consequential.

Bill Gates population plan fits in here very nicely.

2. Easter Sunday Disaster was preplanned to win election in 2020 soon after putative pandemic.

I of course suspected this from the very beginning.

BBS was of course the Gota Plan with Kaputa doing the string pulling.

Muslim Division was created as a prelude.

Thousid Jamal Organization.

He says advice has been obtained from Zionists.

The Post Conflict  Homeland Security Structure.

Zionists use this plan.

Create two opposing groups.

1. BBS

2. Thousid Jamal Organization

3. Leader who comes has no sympathy or empathy.

HATE philosophy and totally against Buddhist Avihinsa.

4. Next stage is to bring economic strangulation.

No gas, no food, no fertilizer

5. Give temporary relief before the next election.

That is the plot.

6. Scarcity of Medicine
Let the patients die attitude.

Karma Concept in action.

Minister is changed after having created the big scenario but the deaths due to lack of medications continue unabated.

Passed as natural deaths but these guys and girls are dying prematurely.

7. Artificial Drug Price Hike

8. Plan is to shorten the Life Span.

Bill Gate Strategy!

9. Terminator Plan

Increase TAXES and VAT.

10. Relief for debtors and indirect tax on masses.

Tax the masses and pay the debt.

What a master plan?

11. They want to make the entire country a cemetery.

12. Intelligentsia with money leave the country.

Brain Drain.

13. Happy Birth Day Party with the Junta (Power Clan).

14. Then the bombshell from the Supreme Court comes and name a few individuals as responsible for the economic mismanagement.

Now the tendency is to lump all the claims of misconduct on one family and forget about other culprits.

There are lot of other guys who aided and abetted with the regime.

The plan is to scapegoat one family and the  rest of the other culprits are let scot free.

My stance is for global clearance of the administration of undesirable guys and girls, that include almost whole of the parliamentarians.

Total sanitization is necessary!

Dammika Perera and Dilip Jayaweera are of course are part of this big cohort of corruption.

The plan is to make black money white and all candidates get tax concession and they will invariably bloat the election expenses and get massive tax concessions.

This is where The Election Commission should not behave like a "Sitting Duck" during and after the election.

15. Androphobia

Hiding behind Buddhist monks.

16. Asking for Justice

Nobody has gone to prison.

17. Distraction Technique

Cricket was the distraction.

18. Analogy Mad Modi in India.

19. Breakdown in Education

20. Breakdown in Transport Service

21. Politicians Need a corrupt Police Service for survival.

That includes government prosecutor especially the delaying tactics.

22. They do not represent the people.

23. Anarchy

24. Needs Revolution in Thinking

25. New Liberal Junta is created.

26. Time for Elections

27. Stranglehold of  Corporate Capital / I.M.F.

28. Give the Leadership to the people

29. Politics is a difficult process.

30. Aragalayata Jayawewa

Big High for Novel  Revolution!

31. As regard to the global south BRICS is emerging as a new economic cooperation and this guy missed that big point.

On that point alone it looks like this presentation is financed by  ?N.P.P. and not an independent view.

I stand to correction.

32. I try to remain neutral but has a soft corner for Russians and their culture (not particularly President Putin).

This blog site has a number of  pieces on Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Lenin and Trotsky.

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