Friday, October 20, 2023

Evolution of Palestine

Evolution Palestine is a complicated story.

Ottoman Empire.

Fron 1517 to 1917 Ottomans controlled the Middle East.

During First World War England, France and Italy carved out portions of Middle East as their sovereign territories.

Turkey kept the remaining portion as its own territory.

Belgium did not have any.

There were many armistices and agreements and none was binding.

When British Mandate for Palestine was created to carve a State of Israel, it was recognized as a State by UNO in 1948.

Even though it was called Palestine Mandate, a country called Palestine was never made by the British.

Instead an entity called Palestine Authority was  established without a proper leadership.

However, Jordan and Egypt were allowed to administer these regions from 1948 to 1967.

The British idea of giving statehood to Israel was to scuttle any attempt of forming a country called Palestine.
Already (now over 70 years) established sovereign state of Israel could veto any boundaries drawn for Muslim inhabitants.

The British used the divide and rule principle in the Middle East to create a Jewish country.

The Jordon river that runs to Dead Sea makes natural boundary but Israel has noncontiguous land links to the Muslim residents dominant areas.

Gaza Strip and Westbank (west bank of the river) is collectively (including East Jerusalem) known as the Palestine Territory but under pressure from Israel UNO never recognized a Palestine State.

That is the crux of the problem.

In 1967 Israel annexed both Gaza Strip and Westbank by the 6 day war.

It occupies Golan heights from Syria, Westbank from Jordan and Sinai peninsula and Gaza Strip from Egypt.

The Sinai peninsula was later handed over to Egypt.

Gamal Abdul Nazar was the president during this war.

He became popular after nationalising the Suez  canal owned by British interests.

Israel (Refugees of the Second World War) treat Palestinians as refugees.

This bullish domination was created by British with blessing of USA.

It is natural for Palestinians to rise against the USA/UK sponsored Israel Hegemony.

Historically uprisings always resurface as a reaction to the oppression and it should not be labelled as a form of terrorism.

There is a natural succession.

Lebanon has Hesbulla fighters who are Palestinians.

Hamas are the Palestinians in the south.

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