Monday, August 7, 2023

New Sakwithi is Ranil Rajapaksa

Mind you I am not an economist but good in scientific analysis.

I am studying bit of economy in my retirement.

This piece is about global economic downturn we are heading on.

This process proceeded the Ukraine War.

My gut feeling is Coronavirus Pandemic precipitated economic crisis on top of an already mounting debt crisis.

Of course, war is always unproductive and war sets in a chain reaction.

But let me relate the relevant history.

There are parallels to  Sri-Lanka's self styled Ra Ja family.

It was Bernard Madoff whom, I call the capitalist Mad Dog.

Do not confuse Linux Mad Dog Haddock. He contributed to the concept of Linux global ownership and free software which is anti-capitalistic.

Mad Dog devised a scheme to lure rich.

His ploy was to centralize financial sector in a primitive digital system.

He was a pioneer in electronic digital system.

He saw the capabilities of a digital system.

He knew by centralizing assets he could attract the prospective investors.

He had a legit system and a speculative system.

The yields were high but not outlandish.

He had 4 guys to administer the speculative side. These 4 guys were greedy and created the Ponzi Scheme.

He kept the assets within his family.

In Ceylon there are only 20 or so business families who control financial and property assets.

Kotalawala family is one of them. They came to prominence due to politics.

JRJ family is another.

Rajapaksas did not have money assets and stole everything from others after 2009.

Wickramasinghe,  Marabes (probably from Ratnapura) had no choice but to join the band wagon.

We did not have gold but we had lot of gems.

Gem business was temporarily taken over by the government during Middle East Fuel crisis.
I started my medical career in Ratnapura and was good in identifying middle grade gems of value.
I had a guy who used to bring gems to me.

Sadly he passed away a decade ago.

The gem trade is currently in the hands of private individuals.

The gold trade is with the Tamils.

Muslims are the wheeler dealers.

Similar to Charles Ponzi Rajapaksa family thugs took everything the business class had.

There were regular business families.
Equally there is a new business class that made money through shoddy deals.

I give one example.
NHS in UK had a problem with disposing (this is before Coranavirus pandemic) nasty biological waste. Everybody in UK opposed them disposing in UK.

They called foreign tenders and a guy from Ceylon who own TV station bid it and brought them and dumped in Kollonnawa or Muthurajawela.

This is one there are many.

Ra Ja family took to their hands the money assets belonging to regular or irregular deals and businesses.

There is lawyer with a Ra Ja name in parliament who defends these guys.

Most of our lawyers are absolutely corrupt and thier job is to defend criminals.

They were in control of drug money, too.

They did steal a lot but unlike Charles Ponzi did not know how to invest them in futuristics.

Coming back to Ra Ja family they became extremely greedy and started stealing from these business families one by one.

Their downfall was due to their grandiose projects in Hambantota. If they did not go into airline business including Hamin Lanka, they would have a survived bit longer.

Their sons are the stupidest in this country and one guy wanted to launch a rocket like Elon Musk.
I hear he did launch a ricket in Galleface with the help of Chinese guys.

He also wanted a Race Track in Colombo.

By the way, Chinese discovered the gun powder.

They were baited by upcoming Chinese capitalists.

Wicramasinghe who was ousted by people uprising joined them in desperation becoming Ranil Rajapasa.

He has now become the New Sakwithie.

Sakwithie who was a ranked thug used to give unsustainable high rate and was instrumental in the downfall of Seylan Bank.

Bond scam was Ranil's creation and Arjuna Mahendran was his foreign collaborator. He is absconding and was the Bank Governor under Sakwithie Ranil.

Enough about Sakwathies and Ponzies, let me get to real economics.

Our financial downturn was well in progress long before Coronavirus Pandemic. We were arbitrarily keeping our Rupee parity high. We sould have kept it floating with intermittent Central Bank intervention.

We did not.

Central Bank  became a political institution.

My prediction based on last pandemic in 1900 was shorter economic downturn.

It lasted until 1960.

My assessment for the current epidemic is 20 years which is one third of the previous period of downturn.

Reason for shorter  downturn were;
1. Standard of living.
2. High standard of Education
3. High standard of Medical care (I stand to correction due to Fausi Genomics).
4. Digital and AI supremacy.
5. ChatGPT

I have seen a guy asking economic investment plan  from chatGPT and that made me to write this piece.

I have not discussed one point.
90% of Foreign travellers came from Russia and Ukraine.

EU, UK and USA have imposed travel restriction to Ceylon.

Most our cheap food came from Greek ships. Most of it is from Russia and not from Ukraine.

Dollar economy is collapsing due to any reasons.
Biden adminstration is the worst of USA of all. His family is absolutely corrupt and he on his final downturn.
MaGa and America First of Donald Trump would be brute to us.

Yanky Diki's nephew has no credibility and Trump knows it.

JVP has to make alliances with Russia for food, fuel and technology.

In spite of the War Russian is booming with almost 3% growth predicted.

China is going down rapidly and Taiwan crisis is looming.

Instead of China we should send silica to Russia and we should get help for Chip Industry from Russia.
Mutually beneficial.

Our Sakwithie Ra Ja is important in diplomatic deals.

This is my last piece.

Good Bye.

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