Sunday, June 11, 2023

Political Outcome in Ceylon

Lately, I am getting lots of hits on my blog site, I felt like making a political commentary.

I am currently,  an independent observer and I am outside the country for a long period of time.

I do not fear any political outbursts.

First presumption is, as a nation we are politically maturing fast but still very emotional and not very decisive in approach to fundamentals.

Divided we fall.
Together we rise.

Then India, China and USA cannot run inroads.

The average political being is like a hooded snail who juts out its sensing antenna tentatively and withdraws them almost immediately.

Tentative and fearsome.

The political greater cockerels  are waiting there to gobble them which include Indians and Chinese.

Number one we should get rid of the lame duck president.

His time is up.

The judges should have the courage to declare "Local Government Elections" as soon as possible.

Since the parliament is defunct now, at least the periphery should function.

This is specially so for the North and East.

My second  prediction is all racial and religious parties, irrespective of Tamil, Sinhala, Buddhist or Muslim will be rejected by the New Political Wave.

1. First casualty will be the corrupt and racist SLPP.

It will muster less than 5% of the total vote.

2. Second casualty will be the opportunist Junior Premadasa.
He will muster only 20%.
He hijacked the JVP vote last time.
Not this time round.

3. The third casualty is SLFP.
It will muster 15%. They will regain little bit of what was lost to SLPP.

It is a very unpopular without the Chandrika's base.

4. The fourth casualty is UNP.

It will muster 5% mainly from Kandy and Colombo.

5. CP, LSSP and MEP will go into political wilderness.

6. Tamil parties will grab about 5%.

7. Total benefactor is JVP but it will garnish 40% (at best of its outcome).

8. About 10% will not vote to any party.

It used to be 20% but almost half have now realized that waiting in the sideline does no good.

9. In other words it will be a lacklustre outcome and a political stalemate.

10. So to test the ground we need to have Local Elections, first.

11. Holding that to ransome and postponing of Local Government Election is antidemocratic and a political suicide.

12. After all we should abolish the Post of Presidency, expediently.

We can see how the bogus or lame duck president is trying hard to bring  Draconian Laws for his own temporary survival and propagation of RUMP SLPP.

I won't vote for JVP (I won't be there) and I won't obstruct or feel jealous of its ascendance.

They should work on some progressive agenda.

Number one is abolition of the Post of Presidency.

Number two they should develop a working relationship and  a mechanism to work with Tamils in the North.

They should not worry about Muslim Vote, since they are born opportunists and will not have bargaining power when the two major parties crumble.

Their ploy in East is as bad as the disruptive politics of LTTE.

50% of the Tamil live in Sinhala dominant areas and (unlike Tamil LTTE  diaspora) their businesses  thrive outside the Northern Province.

That is the reality.

I want Ceylon to be all inclusive not exclusive to some Rabid Buddhist Monks.

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