Saturday, April 24, 2021

Event Horizon and Expanding Universe

I haven't written something on New Physics for sometime.

I may edit this if new insight creeps into my physics mind.

We were obsessed with Coranavirus and George Floyd's case and we were taxing our brain on menial, subtle and emotional things that lead to the global depressive attitude and amnesia.

Diverting it with global warming and putative counteractive measures is scientifically obtruse, since we have gone beyond the point of recovery or redemption because of our inherent greed and stupidity.

This entry on physics will put you in different  perspective and a totally bizarre introspection.

Of course it is my perspective in physics and attacking current theoretical physics into non existence is my intention.

I believe Americans never walked on moon with the antecuated technology in 1968.

It was a drama created on cinema to divert the attention of the world of astrocities in Vietnam.

Well done America on television screen in black and white.

America has produced beautiful films in colour but using black and white pictures was a bit of stain on the film industry of America even in 1960s.

We know that our universe is expanding or retrieving from us, thanks to Edwin Hubble and his discovery of red-shift of light.

Now my title expanding universe and the event horizon are not complementary but exactly opposite scenarios.

Event horizon is the theoretical extension of the visible universe to us and our instruments.
To believe universe does not exist beyond that observation point is a wrong theoretical premise which physics should answer with conviction.

What we cannot observe does not exist is a wrong premise like believe in non existing gods (of course I believe universe is infested with many bizarre biological agents including aliens, other than humans).

With the expanding universe, a bit of our galaxy is hurrying away from us in every nanosecond.

This will end and we will have no matter or space left for us to hold onto, in the present point of our existence..

Nothing existing scenario at the point of me standing now including me due to biological reasons but physical reasons or physics should theoretically be present or existing, if extinction has not supervened my theoretical perspective.

In other words the event horizon cease to exist.

What next, then?

Now one has to go back to my previous discussion where I explore space or empty space of our imagination cannot exist but some energy occupying every available space, come into play here.

The event horizon we lost  theoretically a moment ago is taken over by another Galaxy or Universe which we cannot see now will occupy this space and create another event horizon for another alien species to theorise it (like me doing it now).

How come my "New Physics" stand up to answer the question well before that event  has occurred (not open for our imagination just now).

The mind supreme is in action.

Keep probing, is how science expands its horizon by asking the right question at the right time.

See you when I have another brain wave.

I had a good sleep after this question entered my mind in half sleep state 24 hours ago.

Generally with my memory failing, I forget the last question I was probing instantaneously.

If you are grappling with a problem, "just sleep on it" is a management principle that works wonders for you.

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